    Our moderator believes thumbs up means nothing. Do you believe it has value,hence it exists

    reference her comments to me on my suggestion on the questionby gobbledegoog -  why do you make asking questions difficult.....

    +4  Views: 1361 Answers: 17 Posted: 12 years ago

    17 Answers

    I think this backs up what Colleen said, is this some sort of challenge? I personally don,t give a flying fig about KARMA, I like this site for what it is, a friendly place to spend some spare time and assist some people who may need assistance, some people here might get an ego trip from it , but we,re all different Sawali, if you want to get something from a site like this you must put something in, I know for sure the moderaters do, DO YOU?

    Sawali...your questions sometimes appear to be designed, only to stir something up on this site.  Is that your purpose?  If so, why bother....just go elsewhere.  There are hundreds of other forums from which to choose.  Or are you simply seeking "karma points"?


    Sic him Duck sic him !


    No duck eggs for his breakfast.!!

    I like the karma business, it's good for my ego which can always use a boost. And I doubt any of our moderators stated that karma was useless................


    helps my ego too need a bit of self esteem too these days but also pleases me that I have maybe helped someone also a little reward as it is very time consumming - I always give Karma back whenever possible and when people have helped me.The majority of people on this site are very helpful, kind. and generous.

    If Colleen were a man instead of a woman then you would not be stirring the pot. You can't stand that a woman on this site has more power than you all along while  knowing  this is her job. You seem to hate women and  you seem to think  they should be treated  like the sh!t that gets stuck on the bottom of your shoe. If you had any respect for women at all you would drop this  nonsense of constantly bitch!ng about our moderator. YOUR TRUE REASON FOR POSTING THIS GARBAGE IS EVIDENT!  

    I'm not sure about your previous question, I don't hold any great importance on the TU, I think it's just an acknowledgment that maybe someone understands, empathizes, or just recognizes that you went to the trouble to  answer a question or offer a viewpoint


    Spot on.

    You got it.

    Colleen has pointed out the flaws in the karma system.. not devalued anyone's contributions.. Why do you feel the need to try to devalue her.... There are many ppl on this site who love and adore her. It would be a devastating loss to see her go. You however can take a hike if you are going to stir shit every time you turn around.

    Sawali, this is not acceptable.  You've been warned about opening threads just to complain about "the moderator" before. If you have a problem with a moderator or what a moderator says, you take it to the administrators, not the members. This is one time to many. Ask the admin if you can come back. 


    I would say a big NO.

    thumbs up, thumbs down, whats it matter ? just stop sucking on it were not in kindergarden any more!!

    I believe the Karma only lets people know that you have been here awhile and gives you more creditably.

    Colleen and akaqa administration did their job by updating the meanibg of Karma points: "What are Karma points?       As you contribute to the community your profile accumulates Karma points. These points distinguish you as a respected member and one which opinion is highly regarded by the community. Gaining Karma points also opens up doors to some cool features in akaQA which are constantly added.     The karma points system is not intended for resolving personal conflicts between members."

    akaqa does not practice the APOSTASY; all its members are 100% free to quit.



    Val... do you have a program that I don't have? What cool features? Spill the beans!
    I like what you said by the way... TU and then some.

    Squish Fish, I probably have less than you have but neither one of us will know unless you tell me what you have and what make you think I have more than you.

    At present there are no "cool features". This is something the admin are still working on implementing.

    Oh good. I thought I was totally out of the loop as I had read what Val had read... I vote for colour (for font) and smiley heads with waving arms.

    FYI...Cool features" are spoken of, in the info at the bottom of the page (see karma) and that info has been there at least since the beginning of October.

    I use the TU to indicate I have red your post and TU for posting for thoughts on the subject. Then I know what answers I have read and what I have not read, Were I to TD your post It was most likely an accident. I don’t TD anyones work because I would not like TDs in return. If anyone disagrees with what I have said, write a comment or when agreeing also. TDs also cost the person who TDs points. So commenting pro or con stimulates discussion. Strong opinions are great without reverting to unacceptable language, which will draw a penality from our moderator.    

    What a creep You are Sawali! Leave Colleen alone,  she does a good job. You don't like her because she's female.


    country bumpkin

    Good to see you around again, Eggplant.

    The moderators are free to have opinions, just as the rest of us.  And, just as the rest of us, you are free to agree or disagree.  You already know that my opinion is the karma points stimulate interactions among members. A problem may be that thumbs up are sometimes given indiscriminately, which devalues it somehow, but it doesn't really matter because there is no competition or reward for the points.   It may be the thumbs down are getting the raw deal, but I don't evaluate if there are repercussions to members who TD a question or answer.  


    A person is not free to call out a moderator or another member like this however. They are free to send a message to the administration of akaQA if they have a major problem with a member here.

    sawali I have always read you answers and comments and as for your questions well I think you have achip on your shoulder I dont know why but this what what I pick up from you as a person I have always TU you not to get one back bt as you have put thought into in to answering a question well they do desearve one wether I agree or not you have never give me a TU ever and I persume you have never given anyone else one either as you quoted this in one of your quetions/answers and now you are haveing ago at one of our Mods it just not done she is respected very much and is very fare with us all YOU have Problems DEAL with them at home not here! as I see it we are fall guys taking just all the rubish from you WOW do I feel better have been waiting to say that for a few months thank you for falling off that high and mighty tree that you perch on!!!!! 


    Fish fry I proberly went over the top but never mind hee heee oxoxox
    country bumpkin

    Mel, You are spot on. He does have a huge chip on his shoulder. Sawali has made it clear from day one that he feels women are nothing better than a puddle of vomit. He has no respect for women and he can't stand that the moderator(s) of this site is a woman. He makes me want to puke!

    Sic him Bump sic him !

    country bumpkin thanks for the comment I didnt know a few of us felt the same way, as you say he has a problem with woman alot of his answers were put downs which I never liked hey never mind I just hope I didnt come across too childish as when I get angry which I was, when he started to attack Colleen my words get slighty jumbled if you know what I mean anyway thanks again for the comment oxoxox

    Thumbs  up only has value to you...{:D

    i feel the thumb ups have multiple values.  A few of which are:   1) it's fun.  2) you can see what kind of time people have to ask and answer questions.  3) it's nice to see you & others are good contributors,  when you have the time.  4) it's fun to see others move up with their karma points.  5) when you don't hear from someone for a while,  you say a little pray and hope they are not too busy in this hectic life.  6) people on this site get to reward each other for their participation.   TU's are great and valuable on so many levels!

    If Thumbs up means nothing then so should Thumbs down . Give a few and see the reaction you get.


    Did you read what I said? He misrepresented my words. Don't always just believe what a person writes about another.

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