    I had to give myself a Thumb's Up when I

    go on, finish the sentence.   Could be something from your childhood to twenty minutes ago. What have you done that you KNEW was a TU moment. 

    +7  Views: 1595 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    Great question!

    Thanks, dopey. It's supposed to be a feel good question. A couple of my last ones were really downers.

    9 Answers

    quit smoking cold turkey after 25 years of puffing.


    I'd have broken my arm patting myself on the back. Way to go, Flip!

    Passed an audition to play in a well known rocking band in the boston local scene..


    Very Cool Beans, daren1. Are you still with the band?

    no this was twenty five years ago, great memories...

    When I gave birth to my son..........


    Honey, that's 9 months of love plus a lot of work at the end. Give yourself 2 thumbs up!

    No better accomplishment, julie!

    When I finished construction on my daughters house.It took me (& several other tradesmen) 13 months to build it.I felt as tho I had accomplished something worthwhile & left something for my grandkids to remember me by.Current valuation on the house is $1.4 million (Au).


    What a wonderful accomplishment, Tommyh. It is no small feat to build a home (I used to be an electrician of sorts and did some new construction). To have built a home for your daughter and her COOLEST BEANS EVER! Your daughter must know she and hers are dearly loved.

    Oh! They are.Dearly loved that is.:)

    Hi Bob.Shouldve made myself clear.Im an alcoholic,been in recovery for many years,but over the past few weeks was really starting to struggle.I knew i was going to come unstuck,practically climbing the walls i needed a drink that badly,in a real mess.By some sort of miracle i didnt pick up the bottle and thats why coming out of the offy with just chocolate  that day was such a massive thing for me.


    Thanks for this - I wasn't clear about this either - well done you need a star.

    We are all so proud and happy you stuck to your sobriety, leosmami. My confusion was in not undestanding what an off license is.
    You deserve a HUGE Thumb's Up and a standing ovation. It's a daily challenge and you made it one more day!

     I was approached many years ago by a pro-stock car owner to build an engine for his car. By eighty standards the car made big horsepower. 1,400 HP. He eventually took several national pro-stock champ titles. My head was extremely swollen. Engine technology evolved and eventually the horsepower would reach nearly 3,000 HP. Although I recently paid a hefty settlement in a law suit due to and engine grenading, I'm still proud of my accomplishments.


    Your credentials spoke for your abilities and you proved yourself. Sorry to hear about the recent issue, but you DO have reason to be proud.

    Mine is when i went into the off license and came out with just a bag of chocolate.Means nothing to anyone else but to me it was a big thing.


    I would be interested in the details, leosmami!

    While visiting my cousin, I was in the 7th grade and my cousin was in the 12th grade, She was trying to solve a math problem. She knew the answer, but didn't know how to get to the answer. She and her boyfriend had their calculators out trying to solve this problem for over an hour. When I asked them to let me see the problem, they told me that I was too young and wouldn't understand. I had to go ask my mother for a piece of paper and pencil make a long story short, I solved the problem in one to two minutes without an calculator and gave them the paper. Simple two step problem, multiplication and division.




    OH YEAH! Score!!

    When I was 18 and hospitalized, this man would come around and play games with the patients. When he approached me, I really didn't want to be bothered. He wanted to play the card game Speed. I lied and said I didn't know how to play. I haven't played this game in years. He insisted on teaching me. I let him. As we played the game, he realized that I knew how to play this game. I became his challenge. I won five straight games before I lost. He called himself the Speed Champ and that no body beats him. The doctors had to tell him to go and spend time with other patients because he would come to my room everyday.


    Your story gave me a good chuckle, chelleanne! It's funny how competitive some people get over relatively innocent stuff! But I'll bet you had fun and maybe even looked forward to those visits? Thanks for sharing your TU!

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