    Tiger Wood's Ex-wife, Erin Nordegren, bulldozes $12 million home after buying it from him at the divorce settlement. Look the pictures and let us know how you feel.

    Is she sane or is she sick?  Remember:  $12 million!




    +4  Views: 2319 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: divorce

    16 Answers

     I hope she doesnt think she is gaining any browney pionts with ppl... We are lossing our homes and unable to feed our families... I think it was discusting.


    I think it's untrue!

    I'm wondering if these pictures haven't been reversed to create a story. The empty lot might be the before and the house is the after. The leafy tree back right (sort of) is much smaller in the empty lot than it appears when you see it behind the house. Plus the empty lot does not appear large enough for the size house that was supposedly taken down. Also there are trees to the right of the backhoe that are not in the picture with the house. There's actually a cleared spot behind the house. Did the tress just sprout over night after the house was taken down? (See my compare photos below).

    Got to agree Ms C,some serious growth changes in the trees,would like to see the time line myself..Don,t know how you see these things,are you up in the sky with the prawn that is Fish Fry??...KOTF.

    Sounds typical "National Enquirer" to me, even WITH pictures!  Nonsense.

    This seems extreme even for a woman scorned.

    If it is true she has some kind of temper. 

    Yeah well, at least they can afford it.Pretty expensive way to make a simple statement like "I hate you" tho.

    She was pissed because none of the furniture came from IKEA. Swedes are nuts !

    I wonder who got the demo contract  ?

    Sounds irrational to me.

    It's not the house that was worth 12mill. It's the land. It's hard to sell those huge rambling homes custom built to the previous owners needs. I bet she can sell the property easier and faster this way. 

    some one was very angry! there could be a very good reason but what a waste of money I do hope they stripped the kitchens and bathrooms and gave them to the needy but I dont think they think like us poor mortels!

    Some folks would cut off their nose to spite face!

    Pretty cool.

    if this is true, IT IS ABUSE OF MONEY.

    I think this is a scam story. Pure sensationalism. They inverted the pictures. The after picture is actually the before picture. See what I've noted. Compare to the pictures Chiangmai posted to see better what I'm talking about.


    I'm wondering if these pictures haven't been reversed to create a story. The empty lot might be the before and the house is the after. The leafy tree back right (sort of) is much smaller in the empty lot than it appears when you see it behind the house. Plus the empty lot does not appear large enough for the size house that was supposedly taken down. Also there are trees to the right of the backhoe that are not in the picture with the house. There's actually a cleared spot behind the house. Did the tress just sprout over night after the house was taken down?


    Check out the link below. There's been too much reporting regarding this matter for it be a make-up story:


    They all just pick up stories off the syndicated press and run with them. There is no back checking anymore. I still say the differences in the pictures tell the story better.

    Reporting means nothing anymore. Even on the supposedly reliable TV stations, you hear all of them running similar stories and sometimes within a couple of days, one of the stations will make a statement about "facts being incorrect", yet other stations are still running with it. It's getting ridiculous! Give Tiger's ex, at least, some credit. I don't believe that she's a complete imbicile...just one who trusted her husband and wasn't checking on him all the time. She has definitely moved on!!!

    Perhaps she just got some bad news from her Gyno. An STD or worst H.I.V? He was trolling around with porn whores. They do have outbreaks every so often in that business.

    She just wanted to make a point and she has succeeded, albeit at a cost. 

    The real truth about Erin and the house.  As it turns out, there's a good reason for demolishing the property:

    You may have to copy and paste the link above to get to the article.




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