    do animals dream ?

    +9  Views: 1496 Answers: 25 Posted: 12 years ago

    25 Answers

    If they don't, my dog sure does some weird things when he sleeps.

    Our dogs paws move when he's sleeping like he's running or chasing something

    My little dog does. She makes funny sounds when she sleeps.

    Oh boy, you can bet they do. You don’t have a pet? A Dog or Cat?

    Oh yes, they do. My dog Chesters face was twitching, his mouth was moving and his feet were moving, like he was running after something.

    I think they do dream

    My dog does.   He bit me one day.  I asked him what the deal was.  He said he had a ruff dream the night before.



    Very Good.

    Not too sure about Peanut, my cat.  Dieszal, my son's dog who's living here....without a doubt! 


    my one cat snores, but he never gives any evidence of dreaming.

    Peanut is pretty mellow. Deiszal makes up for it. They are a source of comfort and companionship, and I'm thankful they are with me. :D

    they say dogs dream in black and whit , i think it must be true..

    country bumpkin

    That's an old myth. Scientists have found the same color cones in the eyes of dogs as humans have.

    Both my dogs dream but I'm not sure about my cat. My cows dream also.


    Bet, they are dreaming about being naked !

    What do cows do when they dream ?

    They dream they are udderly nude !

    Got Milk ?

    Yes they do. 

    You can certainly tell when dogs are dreaming.... The dog I used to have used to make running motions with her legs and  " talk " in her she was trying to yip  at a squirrel, or cat , or something she was dreaming about . Her mouth would move, and she'd make little noises

    Yes and talks in her sleep too................



    This is a beautiful Spaniel, we used to have one like this 45 years ago.

    My cat (decease) was having a nightmare. He made this loud screaming noise as he jumped up. Crazy cat, I miss him! He was so mischievous!

    Yes they do, they also snore and fart.

    Yes cats do, Both of my cats dream, when they are asleep on your lap their paws move and they twitch, chasing mice and rats probably, and dogs in the case of my boy cat.

    warm blooded animals dream, not cold blooded animals.


    My rattlesnake and gila monster disagree!



    People- I am here to tell you that all animals dream- except for earthworms.  It is interpreting their dreams for them that can be ever so difficult.


    doolittle, how do you know earthworms don't dream?

    They told me...everywhere I go I ask...just incase I find some that do...So far, none of them report dreaming_ perhaps it"s their Diet???

    they sure do, my wee dog definitely has deep R.E.M sleep, I just wish i knew what he dreams about. :-)


    Absolutely, my cat dreams too, dribbles and snores as well

    ""this is kc <3

    They certainly do, apart from body movement ,you can see REM -- Rapid Eye Movement , an indication they are dreaming

    <font color="#483d8b">Do Animals Dream?</font>


    If we humans dream about daily issues and stresses do animals dream as well?
    Studies have shown that other mammals show the same level of brain activity and increased heart rate during REM sleep (the cycle of sleep where most dreaming occurs) as humans.
    Just like humans can often talk in their sleep dogs are known to bark or twitch their legs during REM sleep.

    Cold-blooded animals on the other hand do not seem to experience REM sleep.

    Do animals dream then?

    As we associate REM sleep with dreaming in humans it is assumed that warm-blooded animals do indeed dream. However there is no way we can answer this question for sure, as most of these animals do not have the ability to communicate with us to let us know if they dream or not!

    Gorillas however have been taught to communicate and it is with our closest cousins that we get some interesting information.



    Ethnologist Penny Patterson has reported dreams that two gorillas Michael and Koko have had. Being able to communicate with sign language they have communicated their dreams to Penny.

    The only dreaming animals I know of are humans.

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