    Would the Birthday Honoree Jesus Christ be flattered with the metamorphosis of Christmas: from a humble manger, a star, and 3 wise men to: Mistletoe, Christmas trees and Ornaments, Santa Claus, Reindeer, Macy's 50% off merchandise (free delivery), Bows on Lexus, sleigh rides, X'Mas wreaths, poinsettias, Salvation Army's bell ringer, Jingle Bells, Presents Galore, Christmas Carols, Christmas Cards, the Grinch, Massive Credit Card debt in February, Eggnog, and Oh yes, Fruitcake?

    Are we correctly portraying the spirit of His Birthday?  What changes, if any, would you like to see done to Christmas? 

    +5  Views: 622 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    Christmas is all about me.  Yep....Christians believe Jesus Christ was born to walk the earth without sin, then die a very horrible death for my give me the opportunity to spend eternity in Heaven in spite of myself.   (This is basically what  Christians believe).

    All that other stuff.....flattered?  Not so much.  I wouldn't be, either.  But a lot of that stuff is fun and, hey, I'm only human.  

    Changes?  I'd like to hear "MERRY CHRISTMAS" over "HAPPY HOLIDAY".  I'd like everyone to understand that a business closed on 12/25 is closed for CHRISTMAS, not Kwanzaa or Hanukkah.  Remembering the birth of Jesus Christ, for starters.   

    He created Reindeer & poinsettias and as Jesus spoke of giving to the needy he is fine with the Salvation Army's gig!!!!!  As for the rest- he created us and we are weak and sinful people who decided to exploit his birth.  However, having said that, he also created elves. and the idea of a giving elf prob does'nt bother him.  The idea of Peace and Goodwill towards man was, of course, what he has wanted 24/7 365 all along!


    I agree with you. Very good answer!

    Thanks Ann

    I'd be flattered to have all of that in my honor..............


    You will be remembered for the cabbage in my heart Jules, always.R.

    Merry Cranberry and the best for the New Year!

    "" Hmmm...what can I say? I made everything including the loopey ones. They've kicked me out and installed someone calls Jesus.

    I guess maybe he would not, but still some good comes out of people at Christmas time don't you think?

    Jesus christ was the author.


    No, he wasn't but that has nothing to do with the money making scheme that Christmas has become.

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