    who is respnsible from our bad life ??

    0  Views: 1139 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    14 Answers

    Your parents ruin the first part of your life and your kids ruin the second part.


    deadly true

    very succinct and funny answer

    WE ARE>


    Grant me the serinity to accept the people I cannot change

    The courage to change the one I can and

    The wisdom to know it's me.



    You are ultimately responsible for your existence.   I would sure like to point a finger somewhere else once in a while, but I know better.

    "Whats that Crybaby face .Its in you to be "Bad or Good there's a saying in Scotland Its nice to be nice .Never fails people like you .So be "Nice and the people will be Nice to you.

     A lot of people bring their troubles on themselves

    You reap what you sow.

    People that are strong were, not raise in diaper!

    All depends on your perspective, meaning some things we see as bad, are used to teach us somethings about ourselves or life or about others.  Pain is not enjoyable, but its helpful in teaching not to do somethings sometimes.  Parents are human and make mistakes because they are flawed human beings, or they were hurt as children and pass this on to their offspring's. Hurt people sometimes hurt people.  But your perspective should be to learn from their mistakes, take the good they taught and be a better parent to your kids and forgive them and move on.  Don't let them keep you from living your BEST life ever! You are NOT your PARENTS!!!

    Life is what you make it, there is no one/nothing to blame but yourself...........

    I think its always someone else s fault, I wasn't born into a rich family, not my fault, I wasn't born ravishingly gorgeous, not my fault, my husband has no taste in colors, not my fault, it usually rains before I get the washing off the line, I didn't win the lotto last week either, no not my fault. It is, however up to me to make my own life a quality I am happy with, yes up to me

    Define our (or yours) bad life please.

    drbabyface I love this question!!! Reason being i have worked with what people call the top 2% of emotionally disturbed children for about 10 years.  What i discovered after working with these children in the community and with their parents in the community and, in their homes is that: What children become is 90% due to environment, positive and negative reinforcement.  By 3 years old a child know 80% of what he or she is ever going to learn.  So when parents do all the behavorial things and think it does not affect  their little ones.  They are incorrect.  I have seen children with low iq's with loving fathers & maybe mothers turn into managers at stores and other successful things.  i have seen gifted children with mean  & insenstitive parents,  barely able make it through the day. what parents do and say to us, affects us so profoundly it is unbeleiveable.  I had a philosoply teacher at the College of San Mateo in Califonia that said, a person's troubles are mainly their own fault.  That is true as well.  We have to develop the courage to overcome our obstacles and our childhood if  it was not an optimal & positive situation.  Most of us did not have the perfect childhood.  But once you are grown, nobody is going to have pity related to what your parents did or did not do.  Get up and go for it and look for people that will help you make your own life better.  Maybe start at a church. Or a pet store.  Do some volunteer work if you can.  Better yet, if you can get a job and earn money, that's very uplifting to have your own money.  Good Luck! & "Don't worry, be happy."  Happy you found the people on this site.

    Mostly bad choices on our part.

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