    Do you have a tattoo?

    ... if so what is it and where is it.

    If you don't have one, would you ever get one? Why or why not?



    +9  Views: 1273 Answers: 26 Posted: 12 years ago


    Don't I wish! Nope, I don't have a tattoo. My daughter keeps pestering me to get one, but I can't decide what I want.


    I NEVER WILL GET A TATTOO...because you have to use a laser..:S

    No, I don't have a tattoo. Don't really want 1, anyways.

    Fish girl, you stole my Q :(

    26 Answers



    What made you choose the dancing ants?

    The first thing I drew was bunnies. Bunnies, bunnies, bunnies!!! But don't think I want one as a tattoo. hmm

    I told my daughter a few years ago that I was going to let the hairs on my big toes grow and have seals tattooed on my toes and the hairs would be their whiskers...then I could wiggle my toes and their whiskers would twitch. You should have seen the look on her face. She actually believed me!! That's my dry humor. Sometimes I can't help myself.

    The first drawing I made was mermaid, mermaid. I was always fascinated with mermaid. TheI last drawing I made was in 7th grade, when all of sudden the class became eerily quiet. A topless female mermaid nonetheless Lol.

    Wonderful! All in places that don’t change with passing years. I love the dancing ants and the words are the very best.
    The personal ones are no doubt cherished by your partner.

    winfia, your seal story is funny! Your poor daughter. She will grow up and use her dry humor on you. Be prepared!

    Yes, I do. I have three in personal areas and mean personal things........



    I remember. :)

    you wild woman, you!

    Naughty girl

    No don't have one.  So scared to get one now. And too costly!

    The word "MOM" inside a heart,upper left arm.And a very small cross on my right upper right arm (very small),if you were five feet from me,you would'nt be able to see that one.Both homemade many many years ago.Forty-two year's ago,got them both at the same time.


    Wow - you actually got Mom with a heart. How sweet. What did Mom think of that?

    @winfia,well being I was only 15 years old I knew she would'nt be to happy so I did'nt let her see it for the longest,then one day she caught me with my shirt off.She was'nt to happy but I think the only reason I did'nt get my ass beat was because it did say MOM.After all these years I still love it because of how much I do love her,she's been my best friend and supporter forever,she never gave up on me when a lot of people did.

    I was in the RN for 10yrs and never got one,but my Son is more than making up for that.


    I can relate to that... I, too, work in healthcare field and hesitate to get tat until recently.... Planning to get one in my mom!s name; She's been in a nursing home from having stroke couple yrs ago. I'll be the first female in family to get tattoo

    No...not interested at all.


    Good morning from California 11/29 7:30 AM. Off to learn about farming pomegranates. Happy Day!

    Farming pomegranates? That should make for an interesting day. Have a good one! :)

    I Luv luv eating pomegranates!!! ! Do you know pomegranate is one of the fruits that works as a Viagra!

    pej ... No huh! Oh that can’t be! Can it?! I buy them all the time but I never eat them ... I think I enjoy the beauty of them.

    Itsmee ....Pom fruit or concentrate juice will do, so are: bananas, strawberries, watermelon, oats, chillies, raisins, spinach, seeds and chocholate work wonder for stimulating libido.

    Butterfly on outer left ankle with the Chinese symbol for happiness as the body.  At the time, I felt that "happiness can be as elusive as a butterfly".   2003.
    3 Butterflies on the left side of my back, staggered, faery-tale wings. The names of my sons make up the three bodies (I was on a roll with the meaningful bodies).
    Right shoulder has a tribal image of a man and woman making love.  Honestly, I thought they were dancing.  Probably should have passed on that one; what's done is done.
    Would I do them again?  I'm not sure.  Advice?  NEVER PUT THE NAME OF A BF OR GF OR SPOUSE on your body in permanent ink!   


    I love the idea of working the kids' names into the design. I am thinking of something tribal - perhaps Aztec-style, since our Mexico abode is in Aztec-lands.

    That sounds very cool; there are so many different symbols. Mine was found when my friend's daughter was browsing through them on the internet. It just struck me immediately as being "just nice". It seemed to resonate with love. It turns out that is exactly what it was! Please let us see what you decide!

    I worked with a woman who had several butterflies on her arms and wanted to do something with her children's names. I think it was my idea (?) but who cares. My children will always be mine, come hell or high water (and we've had a good deal of both).

    Scottish thistle when in  the army I am a proud Scot When I was in Egypt I looked at it and thought of "home.and them Green hills.



    1 horse's head & a full horse. Yes i could have them re coloured etc.. but really not that bothered. 

    I have 5 tattoos - 2 horses an eagle, crossed swords & a spider on my left shoulder. Most British servicemen have tattoos. Starting to fade now after almost 40 years. 


    Are they full horses, or just heads? Have you ever thought of having them darkened? My daughter did that with one of hers that faded.

    It's time to re-ink!

    Just a small one where its not seen.

    Nope and do not want one.

    never got one as a kid , i went several times with my buddies to get one , could never decide on what to get so until this day no ink for me..

    None. Was considering getting a small scanner  "Barcode" on my shoulder blade years ago.


    Would you be worth a lot? :)
    ed shank

    Not much.

    You are so funny ...

    Hilarious! If I was brave, rich, and ten years younger I would get a barcode on my shoulder blade.

    No, I don't have any tattoos because I find them to be to permanent. I like to use the temporary kind and put them in different places, then my husband and I play - find the tattoo!


    witchy woman!

    ha ha ha. ha ha. oooooweeeee!

    ive got DNR tattoed on the top of my left arm,stands for Do not resusitate.Im very pro voluntary euthenasia,have never regretted having it done


    I have DNR in my will, that is the only legaly binding DNR in Australia.
    My family all know my wishes..
    Tattoos? well I had "Welcome to Australia" on a personal place but now it just reads WtA.

    I have it in my will. It would probably work better on the top of my arm.

    Peoplelover, you crack me up!!!

    leosmanl, do you really think a paramedic would follow the written instructions on your arm? Or am I being ridiculously naive?

    I'm thinking to get one, unsure where: forarm, wrist, or lower back????... try to do survey which part of body is less prone to pain, but everyone I've been talked to tell me differently. Any ideas???


    Bony areas hurt a little more. It is way less painful than childbirth.

    Don,t get any close to the bones or any other " tender bits" I,m told.

    I've heard that the ankle area is painful.

    Tat on wrist is my fav so far, but you know how it won't look good for job interview... Not to mention I get hyperventilate easily when it comes to needle, plus all that sensitive trigger points from my fibromyalgia n' myofacial are not helping either.

    I have a tattoo of Babe Ruth swing a bat on my right calf.  Most of the people who compliment do not have any ink of their own.

    sorry no TaTS I have always wanted one when I was younger and I wanted it on the bottom of mt foot which would read Made In England but never got round to it in the UK they call them on Woman if they are on or near the the Bottom Tramp Stamps!


    yeah, they do here, also

    winfia I thought it might be a english slang! xxx

    Not for me, ithink a lot of girls out there later on in life will regret having them done, the exposed tatoos of course.


    Don't mind them on girls providing they are discrete.

    No, I'd never get a tatoo. My sister had her lips tattooed or painted pink so she wouldn't have to wear lipstick. Guess, what? she now has a cancer on her lip which needs to be removed by plastic surgeon. The red or pink tattoo colour can be cancer causing.


    Oh no, that's bad news. :(

    Oh! This is beautiful. It might not be a good idea though. That young woman’s shape might change as she ages. 

    I don’t have a tattoo. My shape has shifted! 


    This was a comment on winfia’s picture.

    Yeah, itsmee ... I often wonder what these tats will look like when the young woman turns 80. Think I'll get one on my 80th birthday ... they can ink around my wrinkles!

    no i do not have a tattoo

    Re-thinking the tattoo thing maybe put one on my forehead that says BITE ME.


    Not an original idea, Dar, my girlfriend Barb already has one!

    If nothing else it should set up a paperchase


    ... at least you'll get a skin grin!

    No just a birth mark.


    You could always put some ink around it!

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