    I wont be around for a couple of days as My Mother has been taken to hospital with Phemonia at this might be the last time I see her alive please think of her for me thank you xxx

    +10  Views: 1021 Answers: 24 Posted: 12 years ago

    24 Answers

    An unwell parent is so taxing on an individual... May you have strength, compassion, and acceptance... and may you mother pull through.........


    jhharlan thank you for your thoughts xxxx

    You are so in-tuned with those that you answer, my meaning is "in-touch". Thank you for that. That is a gift of yours.

    You flatter me but, I thank you..........

    I'm sorry to hear that you are going through this difficult time.  I know that these things are not easy to bear.  My thoughts are with you mel.


    Ducky thank you for your thoughts thay do mean alot thank you again xxx

    Mel, warm wishes and healing thoughts.... I hope your Mom recovers soon.  Take care of yourself as well.  Lots of love and hugs, Fishgirl.xo

    You,ll be missed,give mum a big hug for me,thinking of you,take care darlin.


    ROMOS thank you for your thoughts I will give a big hug xxxxx

    Oh Mel, I am so sorry about your Mom. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Medicine has come a long way and I am sure that she will get better. Stay strong for her and all our prayers will help her get through. With lots of prayers and love to your Mom and to you and your hubby, Ann


    Ann Thank you so much I hadnt seen you on site for a couple of days and I asked dear Colleen to pass the message on about Mom I dont know how bad she is as my brother is very upset he is the mommys boy and I was daddy,s girl! I keep phoning the Hospital and they dont really give you that much info on the phone the trouble is I live 4/5 hours a way from her so we are leaving 6am tomorrow and I will know more by then the problem I face is that there have to deaths in the last two weeks of pheomioa (sorry cant spell it) so i am panaking thanks Ann for your preyers and thoughts regarding Mom and how is Chester I am too scared to ask! I am still preying for the both of you thank you again my Freind xxxxxx

    Mel, I have not been on here much, because I am not able to. Chester is still here and we are taking him to a Cardiologist first before we make a decission. I hope and pray that your Mom will be alright. It will be a long trip for you tomorrow. I will pray for her and you and your husband that with Gods help she will be alright. Love and prayers for you all, Ann

    Oh baby, I am so sorry to hear this. You are with me in my thoughts and in my heart. Lots of love.


    Jenn thank sweetheart my head is every where at the moment we are leaving at 6am Tuesday we are hoping it wont take too long its about 4 and half hrs thank you again xxxxx

    Our thoughts & prayers are with you all. X


    Maz thank you so much for your thoughts xxxx

    Take good care of yourself, your mom needs the energy you can give her.  Sending healing energy for your mom and positive energy for you. Hoping she pulls through! (((mel))) ""


    Colleen thank you for the advice its soooo hard to be strong but I know I will have to be for my mom Colleen if Ann comes on please send her my love as I know she will be having Chester put to sleep also tell her about my mom thank you so much Colleen you have always been there when needed love u loads Mel xxxxxx

    I'll let her know mel. xxxx

    Colleen thanks I see she has answered down below! I love those hearts! lolove as always xxxx

    I am saddened to hear this Mel,lets hope it may not be as bad as you think.Take care and God bless.


    pythonlover thank you so much for your thoughts I to hope its not as bad the problem these Doctors now a days just explain anything over the phone thanks again sweetheart xxxxx

    So sorry to hear mel ,my thought and prayers are with you in theses times be strong for your mom...may the peace of God be with you both..daren


    deren thank you for your preys and I will try to be strong I have been on the phone all day crying with my Brother but I think I have done my crying no Till I get there! thanks xxxx

    Mel I was so sorry to read this and my thoughts and i am sure I speak for Narrelle also all the best to you and your Mum.

    Remember the good times, Give her a cuudle and tell her it is from your Aussie mate A-- XXXXXXXXXXXXX


    PEOPLELOVER Thanks Hun for all your concern it was funny I was only saying that you and Nerrelle were over and telling her what good looking man you were and she said then why didnt he come down to see me! she was quite a gal in her time and like you she loved the forces she said it was the best time of her life! and she had the best Pins in her unit you will know what I am talking about! thank you sweetheart soo as I know anything I will send email to you love as always mel xxxx

    My Mum is 89 and I love her so much. This helps me to understand how you feel. I will be thinking and praying for you until you return. Give mum a gentle hug from me, X


    Friendindeed thank you sooo much I will give her a hug dont worry thaks again xxxxx

    God bless you and your mum Mel , will say a little prayer for you both. xx 


    sunnyB thankyou for your preyers will be thinking of you all and passing it on to my Mom xxxxx

    I am saddened to read your words . May God wrap his loving arms around you and give you comfort . You are in my prayers . God speed .


    thank you for your thoughts he did just that yesterday (God) wrapped us both together xxxx

    May God bless your mother and you!


    Thanks valR for your thoughts xxx

    Your Mom and you are in my thoughts and prayers. Love to you both!


    clu thank you sooo much for yoy thoughs and preyers xxx

    Give her a big hug and a peck on the cheek and tell her it's from Ed Shank your buddy. A pryer is en- route. We all wish you and your mother well.


    ed I did tell her that all my extended family give her hug I dont think she understood but it was from me! thanks ed for being so caring xxx

    Mel, You know your mother better than anyone. Tell her what you think she would want to hear from you. Best wishes to you.


    digger I did have a good talk and said my good byes in my heart we laughed and cried I have never felt as close to her as I did yesterday isnt that weird thank you for your kind words xxxx

    Very sorry to hear about your mother. Best to you all. Yes, you are in my prayers.


    mich thank you for your preyers and your thoughts xxx

    Mellie you and your Mom are in my thoughts and prayers.  I am hoping for a better outcome than you think.  You take care and give yourself a big hug from me and know that I am thinking of you and your Mom.  xxxxxoooooooxxxxxooooo


    Darci that is soooo spookie you have called me Mellie the only other person in my entire life has called me that is My Mom! I did give her hug from all of us and I also told her to not that I think she understood! thanks again Darci for your concern xxxxx

    I hope it is okay that I have called you Mellie and thank you for giving her the hug from me I truly mean it when I say you and her are in my prayers. Let me know if there is anything at all I can do please.

    Sorry to hear that MEL, you are both in my thoughts .


    bullitman thank you for your thoughts they do mean alot to me thanks again xxx

    wish her well and speedy recovery. you take care.


    sawali thank you sooo much for your thoughts xxx

    Hello Mel, In these difficult times for you and your family be strong and brave. Hold her hand and give her the strength to pull through. 



    Oh West I did just that I held her Hand and cried and then she cried I was so pleased to see her and she has lost sooooo much wieght its pityful I really dont want to get old! its scarry she also has deimentia though she knew me straight away she thought My Husband of 25yrs was a boyfriend of mine we did laugh as thats all you can do and she laughed as well thank you for your thoughts love as always melxxxx

    I hope all is going well with your mom. I know all too well the feeling not knowing if you will lose your parent. She may be a lot stronger than you think. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.


    mom thank you soooo much for your thoughts xxxx

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