    Hi friends, have a great time preparing for Christmas & putting up Christmas decorations! Do you think you will?

    +2  Views: 1184 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    12 Answers

    This is my second Christmas in my home; last year my sister decorated with me and shared many of her beautiful decorations because she was going out of state for Christmas and planned no socials at her home.  It was fun and the house was fantastic!  I'm on my own this year, in all ways, but will decorate and be joyful for all my blessings, past, present, and future! It is my hope to paint a small canvas that can be duplicated as a Christmas card.  Better get busy on that!!!!

    Yes, my family will. My five year old nephew has already got the toy booklet from the Sunday newspaper. He's ready!  He remembers last Christmas, and is asking about the decorations. Can't disappoint the little ones. 


    It's fun with little ones. Their wonderment and enthusiasm rubs off on even the most hard-nosed! I loved the family traditions with my kids. I hope they'll continue some with their own one day.

    Hasn't Christmas come upon us so quickly the year has flown.Yes i put my decorations and tree up on the 1st December,my shopping is done and the presents are wrapped.I will send out my christmas cards in the first week of December.I like to be organised.


    Might you want to visit California and help me, please.

    pathonlover, you just inspired me!

    Hi Tabber.....Where you been lately ?

    I'm not Christmasy, b/c my husb died, my mother died,; and my dad. My aunts and uncles are gone. I only had 2 cousins, and one of them died.  My few relatives live out of state   :-(    My family is my friends at akaQA , and my cats, of course  :-)


    Sorry to hear that your loved ones have past mycatsmom.Makes me value my family even more when i hear things like this.I hope something nice comes your way this Christmas.

    Maybe put up a little something to remind you of all of them and good memories? Bells on the kitties' collars?

    good friends are hard to come by but I like to say here on AKAQA you have "true friends Who send our love to you and your kitten bless you.

    Awww baby come to my house for Christmas.. We have suffered losses as well this year. You should not be alone. I cant imagine lossong my hubby. I am so sorry.

    Me too and I am truly sorry for all your loss. Hope things are better for us both next year.

    mycatsmom I feel the same way about my friends on this site and i really appreciate each and every one of them. I want to wish you a joyful day! God bless your beloved cats! And hope there are some pretty & colorful lights on your street. I look at lights are other people showing their spirit & sharing it with the rest of us.

    thank you everyone for your positive, loving comments. I hope each of you will have a happy, healthy, blessed Christmas

    We'll end up putting up some lights.  No tree unless one falls into out lap.  I have plenty of decorations just waiting to come out of the boxes............

    Already started today because I have a big party that I invite around 80 people. I've been having this party for the last 32 years and look so forward to it!


    God bless your heart for sharing like that. That's how my mother is. She has had folks at her house every Christmas Eve for over 30 years.

    We have the tree up already, we need to be ready for church class Christmas party.

    Tree up, wreathes up, nick nacks up.... Just need to get this den cleaned up so i can get the kids little trees up with all of the decorations they have made over the years.  But the big tree is up.. So send gifts!!!!! I have somewhere to put them.

    No no Christmas this year maybe next time.


    Dear Darci 13, sometimes we have to skip things, and that's beauatiful too. The great blessing that we are here on the planet together & can view and appreciate each other and what other's have even if we do not have the same thing. But we all have great blessings. Season Greetings to you!

    Just hung a large GORGEOUS Poinsettia wreath on my front door bought last year in an after Christmas sale at my work. Don't know yet if that is all I will do.  Do truly appreciate those that love to decorate. I am not really one.  Thanks.

    can't wait for the miseal toe... this year i won't call a tow truck

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