    Replacing Fuel Lines in 1999 Toyota Corolla. Estimate $ 1400.- Is that too high?

    The car has only 70 000 miles on it.

    +5  Views: 1873 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    I filled the gas tank all the way about 2 weeks ago and then went shopping, When I came out of the supermarket there was gasoline , close to my left rear tire on the parking lot. When my tank was 3/4rs full, no more leakage. What could it be?

    You could possibly have a hole in your gas tank or the seal from the fuel pump could be I got from the old man....I don't know anything about it myself but did ask him...hope this helps....good luck......probably would not hurt to get another opinion though...take care Ann...good to "see" you also....(:


    Hi ole hipster how are you? That is so nice of you trying to help with all the problems that you have. I will have them check out the gas tank and the seal from the fuel pump. I would have never thought about that. Tell your "old man" thank you and I very much appreciate his help. Take care and stay well, Ann

    I agree with you, as that's what it sounds like to me too.

    That really seems high to me. I suppose they have to remove the gas tank, but still......Do you live in an area where winter roads require a lot of salt (causing corrosion)?? I think I'd get another estimate. 


    The road to the main road is usually just sanded, But they use salt on the main roads, pretty heavily . Thanks Flip, I have an appointment monday morning with someone else.

    Not for a Toyota.   Toyota dealers are famous for overcharging their customers, for the cars, parts and repairs





    Thats what I thought, The esimate is from a toyota dealer. Thanks for that information. I will take it for another estimate on monday.

    I doubt you even NEED to replace the gas lines.

    I have never heard of fuel lines needing replacemant. Why do they need to be replaced?

    Unless what Flip said....corrosion.But if that was the case the rest of the car would be a rust bucket too.

    Get another quote Ann.Sounds fishy to me.


    You have me worried now.I have a 1999 Toyota Commuter.LOL

    They said there is some corrosion. My first quote was from a Toyota dealer and sounds fishy to me too, thats why I am glad I posted it on this site. Thanks Tommyh, My car is low to the ground. I dont think yours is. My son had a Carolla when he went to college. It had 232000 Miles on it and was still in good shape.

    Dealerships will always charge a whole lot more than your friendly local mechanic.Corollas are great little cars.Good luck with it.

    Never had a problem, except brake and tires. It runs great. I would appreciate someones input. Thanks.

    If the gasoline stopped leaking when it got down to 3/4 full, it sounds like it is your gas tank that is most likely leaking. A leak in the fuel line would most likely leak at any level,  You should perhaps ask around and see if there is a good garage around that would take a look at it. You should be able to get a gas tank for $200-$300, although Toyota might be a little more expensive if it has to come through them. That estimate sounded extremely high to me.

    I tend to believe some garages take advantage of women, as many women are not that familiar with the workings of an automobile.


    Some places are really bad at taking advantage of people. I wish you luck.

    Thanks for your input. You are right. It might very well be the gas tank. I never usually fill it to the top, except this one time.People do take advantage of women and it happened to me before.I have an appointment on monday with a garage that is local.I really apreciate your input. Men are so much more knowledgeble about those sort of things. Ann

    500+ ok

    far to much


    She's all set John. She took care of it 9 months ago. Try the unanswered page for questions that still need solutions ;)
    burnley john

    hello coleen, still getting my head around this karma,

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