    Have you ever been in love?

    "Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...You give them a piece of you. They didn't ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like 'maybe we should be just friends' turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love". Neil Gaiman

    +13  Views: 1308 Answers: 17 Posted: 12 years ago

    Neil Gaiman,is right on the money with that statement.

    Robert that post, that post ... Neil Gaiman sure knows what he’s talking about.

    17 Answers

    I am blessed.  I have married my soul mate.  Love is the best feeling in the world.

    I love love.


    How lucky are you!!!

    Fortunate, fortunate, fortunate!

    ahh that`s lovely!!..AM VERY HAPPY FOR YOU!!:-))

    ...but in time even the most powerful of loves goes away leaving one of you profoundly sad.

    At least I am fortunate to experience it :).

    At least I am fortunate to experience it :).

    Yes I have, twice.... I married the love of my life and best friend.... Love is worth the risk, the pain and the work.


    Jenn I agree. Love can be tough, but it's worth it if you appreciate it while you have it.


    Yes. I think everyone has been in love at least one time or more.

    'Fraid so!  Like Jenn I married my best friend.We're helping to raise our grandkids now & guess what? I'm still smitten.


    COOL!! :-))

    Yes so much so that I walked on air - perhaps this wasn't love I think as I knew even if we had consumated it - how so very painful it would be - it was not unrequited either - lasted over one year - amazing feeling but I was so afraid that if we were to make it and it did not last I would be devastated - so unrealistic - Love is not always full of roses if you know what I mean. 


    Umbriel - I just love the way you say "Let me get this straight etc.* You are quite right to sound so perplexed - not many people would understand what I have said as it is a long story.I have known people to experience this kind of love so all consuming. We didn't throw each other away the story goes on. Thank you so much for your quotes from Othello I have the video and music also quote from Dryden which I will look up - sounds so true - Hey I am the girl then now the woman here. (At least according to my age).
    "None but the brave deserves the fair.Alexander's Feast, 15.
    Umbriel, I was only speaking of one love experience and have met a few only others this has happened to, not all of my love life or loves and losses.


    Umbriel doesn't have the foggiest clue the difference between love and lust. Never has, never will.

    Just so funny Bob, and certainly seems to fit huh!

    Oh yes. 

    I married my childhood sweetheart. I was 13 and he was 16. Uh, stayed a virgin. I'm glad I did but it did cause us to marry too early. We needed to complete our love. You understand?


    A half-baked cake is incomplete without brandy…too late to cook longer, wrecked, as an admission of failings…but in time, reunion and an end to lies. AKA…what’s done is done.
    Life rushes in sweeping all hopes and dreams into a heap of sadness and ashes to grow lilies.

    A poet in our midst. Thank you, robert.

    That last line is good.

    Yes I have.........   second   time around much  better..........I  am  still smitten  after all of these   years!!!!!    ( ;  )

    After what my sons father did to me, i will never ever leave myself open to that kind of torture again - One mental breakdown is enough. I do try to get close to men and as soon as i do i put my walls straight back up. Its a shame cause i can imagine what im missing out on. Im 26 so maybe ill change this way of thinking with a bit more time. Neil Gaimans statement is PERFECT


    I do think you'll change. Maybe your walls are a good thing. You will be careful and choose wisely. You won't stay so guarded. A mental breakdown over love is just so painful. (((kimba)))

    Time will be a big factor for you, kimba, but I'm sure you will always keep a little of yourself for yourself. Those hurts may fade, but something is taken that is difficult, if not impossible to replace.
    You are still young, so give yourself time and enjoy friendships. When you aren't thinking about relationships, you'll find it easier. And more rewarding. Friends you keep; lovers you lose. (Not always, but quite often)

    Many, many times... Sometimes for 5 minutes, sometimes for months. I've been hurt but gotten over it. HOW TO SURVIVE THE LOSS OF A LOVE is the greatest remedy ever written for loss......


    I have that book in my book case. One never knows what the future holds. There are many kinds of loss of love and that book covers them all. I've used it many times.
    I loaned it to a friend and she said, "I've never been so depressed as when I read that dam book." So ... anyway, now I'm careful. : )

    I found it truthful and sometimes the truth hurts, at least the book recognizes that... It does cover all loses but is very good for lovers.....

    I'm going to read it today. There is always a loss of one kind or another. (for me) I'm ok in the personal love department but this getting older is a loss of love. Why isn't my hair as thick? What happened to my eye lashes? I don't think you're old enough to understand this stuff. Maybe.

    Three, four times not at the same time...

    I have been in love and I love love.  Even though some pain comes sometimes with love.  But love and money make the world go round.  Some people work hard to get money cause they think it might help them find love.  In some cases that may be true. If you can't get it on your own, get a matchmaker.  Love is the greatest!

    Hell yes, I love the warm fuzzy feeling, when your feeling it.

    Yes and never fell out of love now on fifty years I am a lucky guy.

    i have stepped in love many times but only once i fell in it, that was and still is the best day of my life.

    Never heard of this Neil guy, but very true in his statement. Love lost will tear your heart out to the point of becoming physically sick. But the euphoria of a true deep love is an indescribable experience. I'm glad I experienced and survived them both.  

    >>>>>>I don't really believe I've experienced that love I seek, nor been loved<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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