    Do you eat lamb

    do Americans eat much lamb, if not what is your favourite roast ?

    +12  Views: 1378 Answers: 19 Posted: 12 years ago

    19 Answers

    A Leg of lamb baked in the oven with baked vegetables,gravy and mint sauce,would be one of Australias traditional dishes,usually served as sunday lunch.


    Same in U.K. but I'm in Germany and they ruin lamb.

    Lamb is easily my favorite meat. I live in Germany and they are good at many things but one thing they cannot do right, it seems to me, is how to cook lamb. In a restaurant, had you not ordered the  meal, you would never had said it was lamb, they spice it up far too much and ruin what should have been a good night out. But I must say, they do have some excellent beers.       


    Now you are trying to be nice to them, and make up for your other
    But I agree their beers good,their cars are fantastic, their fridges,cookers,washing machines,every thing they make are good.
    Why are they so good at everything.

    Well errr yes,as I said, I do live here!!!

    West-bus. German people dont eat much lamb. They eat more pork and Chicken. I used to to live in Bavaria. Where do you live? SunnyB is right.Theire Appliances and cars are made to last alot longer than ours in the US.

    Hi Ann. Ich wohne in Krefeld, ca. 20 Km von Düsseldorf entfernt. Meine Schwägerin, die Zwillingsschwester meine Frau, die in München wohnt, hat ende der 70 Jahre in Lalling, im Bayerischen Wald ein Haus gebaut. Ich war frühe öfters mal da und gelegentlich bin ich über die Grenze nach Tschechien zum einkaufen gefahren. Es waren sehr schöne Zeiten.

    Mein Herr,
    Try to cook it yourself. There are awesome recipes on internet.
    Aufwiederseen :)

    Hello vaIR, there are many things I am no good at and my cooking, to put it mildly, is a complete disaster and I can thank my lucky stars I can use a can opener.
    Ich wünsche Dir Frohe Weihnachten und ein gutes neues Jahr! Prost!

    You wouldn't be much of an Aussie if you didn't eat lamb!

    Trouble is it's so bloody expensive nowadays.It used to be the cheapest meat you could buy.


    New Zealand free range's in dog food. New Zealand is right next door...what the heck is that?

    I think the "free range" says it all. Their the ones that run wild that they shoot to put in dogs food I would say.

    They shoot the lamb to put into dog food? That would change all the advertising here now wouldn't it?

    What I mean is... I don't think the lamb they put into the dog food is the prime spring lamb that we are talking about eating.
    Prime spring lambs are specifically bred & fattened for the human consumption market.
    Kiwis eat more lamb than us on a per capita basis I don't think they put the good stuff into dog food,even for the American/Canadian market.

    I don't eat baby sheep, I don't eat full grown sheep, not even with mint sauce. I don't eat rabbit or snake. I won't eat a fried baby octopus, nor oyster on the half shell. I don't eat anything that swims.....I'm a cheap date, I like hamburgers, all the way, add jalapenos.... Heck, it's rough getting me to eat beef but, oddly enough, I'll eat bacon 'til I throw it u[.....


    That's just a laugh! and a big smile. xo

    jhharlan, you might not eat hamburgers either if you knew what went in them, unless you make your own, I eat anything but I draw the line at Macca's

    Here is something for you to ponder Jools.
    Most hamburger meat you buy at the butcher is at least 50% mutton.They mix it in to make the mince cheaper.

    I'll start grinding my own then..........

    Your answer is an honest answer but you miss a lot and may be hurting yourself too. In my opinion any swimming "thing" is way healtier than any"thing" that walks.

    Way better as a matter of fact, I just won't eat that stuff, not even tuna....

    We could dine together. We’d have hamburgers! Hamburgers with bacon and jalapenos.

    The only time I liked lamb was when I was pregnant. I was sooooo hungry as we drove by all these fluffy sheep grazing on the hillside. If my husband would have stopped the car I would have jumped right out and eaten myself a nice fat lamb.

    I do not like to eat swimming things either. Salmon is just disgusting and I almost got myself invited to a friend’s house for a “nice salmon.” Yurk!

    We could be sisters........

    I am not husband eats lamb.  I can't ... I have never tried it but I just can't.  He likes the part that is attached to those bones that sort of stick up.  I can't even watch him eat lamb. 


    fish girl, the bit that "sticks up" is the shank, I think the best part, thus my tag I had just eaten one when I stumbled on this site, love lamb.

    Your name is cute...I still can't eat lamb.

    Yep and I glow in the dark!

    Feel very sorry for you fishgirl

    I don't like the smell of lamb... nothing to feel sorry about... Lambs have eyes and hearts and blood and wool and ears and noses... carrots do not. Give me a cooked carrot any day. I am never going to eat a lamb.

    cant eat it eat never will we have sheep which backs on to our garden and then I watch the mothers give birth then all these little lambs are bobbin around then I knew when its time for slauter it breaks my heart sorry


    i doubt Id eat them either if I could see them bouncing around the fields, thank goodness they come wrapped in woolworths or the butchers

    lambshank very good heeee xxx

    A lamb-free eating zone. I like your thinking!

    fish girl glad you know what i mean oxoxox

    I'm a pescetarian. I do eat other kinds of meat when I am invited somewhere, in order to honour the hosts' hospitality.

    Lamb is extremely expensive in the US.I love Lamb, but buy it only every couple of month.How much is Lamb in Australia per pound? Its abaut $ 7.99 a pond here.


    wow, thats expensive, it's got expensive here too, but not that bad, about$10 a kilo ( there is 2.2 lb per kilo)

    At my US market they sell these stupid little lamb chops that have maybe two small forks of innocent lamb ~ same price, I think.

    I'm in the UK, and I love lamb shank, or roast lamb, not veal though can't eat that. Best lamb I ever had  was in Greece, don't know why it was so tastie (maybe it was how they cooked it)because the sheep just wondered around the hill sides eating short tufts of nothing, it was probably from somewhere else.


    The Greeks surley know how to cook, love Greek food

    Yes can't say I've ever had a bad meal there.

    I'm a vegetarian...

    There is a big difference between lamb and mutton.  My mom grew up in NY and never ate LAMB.  She ate mutton and disliked it intensely.  Going to meet my dad's mother, he told her they would be having shish kebab, which is marinated and barbecued cubes of lamb (bigger than beef stew size cubes).  Imagine her surprise when the lamb was tender and delicious instead of dry, tough, and chewy.
    I love shish kebab.  Lamb chops are OK, and the roast, shanks, etc. aren't bad either, but they seem heavy and kind of gamey...I feel like I can taste the cholesterol.  There are a couple of other Armenian dishes that use lamb, and they are good, too.
    Ann is right....lamb is SOOOOOOO expensive.  Probably the most economical way to get lamb is to go to a fair and buy one from the 4-H or Future Farmers of America students who have raised a lamb precisely for the purpose of it being eaten. 
    MY FAVORITE ROAST:  Would be a tender beef roast.  Tri tip, filet mignon.  Pork roasts are tasty, too, but I like cow. :D


    Lamb is delicious. If you are ever in Fresno, California, call me and I'll fix you the best shish kebab in the world. My dad bought a lamb at the fair once and had me pick it up at the packaging place. It was great to have all that lamb in the freezer until one day I defrosted what I though was a roast. When I opened the paper, the lamb's head was sitting there on the counter.
    Shades of The Godfather

    I agree, I think I could eat and enjoy any roast, tho hate mutton,has to be spring lamb, I lived in a different country town years ago and we ate young goat,it was also good.Lamb here has also got quite expensive, pork now is a much cheaper option, love the crackle.

    I've had goat a couple of times and it IS delicious. BBQ


    Yes ma'am. Just like a recent Hell's Kitchen had the chefs work with a pig's head, lamb's head apparently have edible parts (none that I can vouch for, however....)

    Uh, Bob ... Do they butcher the lamb before you take it into your home?

    itsmee, everything was butchered and clean, separated and wrapped. The only odd thing was having the head be part of the package. It makes sense, though, just not something I know anything about cooking. If you do something like this, ask the butcher to LABEL the packages.

    I eat lamb and ANYTHING  you would put in front of my face. I do not discriminate.


    same, but I can't eat offal!!!

    varon ~ Are you my son? Same appetite, that’s for sure.

    Had a Muslim step father. That's all we ate at one time. After he passed away, I could eat my bacon and eggs without offending anyone. Can stand lamb anymore.


    very sad

    Outback's ribs of Lamb. mmmmmm.....

    I love lamb , but only Greek is the herbs that they use to cook it that makes it so tasty

    As a late comer to the USA and omnivorous eat almost everything that comes from lambs, muttons of all ages. The secret is to know how to cook it. There are thousands of good recipes on internet.


    yep, Im much the same, where do you come from?

    I love gyros. I think it is made from lamb. Right!


    mostly they are, I love them too

    sometimes. I eat grilled or barbecued lamb.

    I like lamb but do not cook it.  My mom cooks it sometimes.  I trying to eat less meat, but like veron, I love almost all food. except bunny rabbits and other wild exotic foods.  They remind me of pets instead of food.  See how we think sometimes.  It's all protein.


    I think most mums make the best old fashioned roast dinners, mine does too, but oh my, all the fat she uses

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