    What is your astrological sign and do you think it really matters?

    +4  Views: 1191 Answers: 17 Posted: 12 years ago

    17 Answers

    It definitely you helps to understand yourself and your likely traits and your persuasions on a deeper level. Integrate that understanding of yourself within your real life and you can use it to your advantage by feeling more confident of who you are and what you are capable of. Also, in how you tend to interact with other people in any given situation. And if that is not so great, you can make changes  directly to improve that aspect of your life.  We ARE one with the universe.


    It is not just your Sun sign that matters, that is only one picture of many in a mural. The three main aspects, the ones that stand out most as a triune in a horoscope are the Sun sign, the Moon sign and the Ascendant or Rising sign. These together are the most influential on a person. Then there are many other lesser influences involved as well in many different ways. And remember, they are just INFLUENCES, we choose how we really want to be as an individual person. And no, I don't think it matters much on a day to day basis. It's not an earth shattering issue. It's just interesting to explore on a personal level as it may sometimes help explain things about yourself you may have wondered about.

    your really into this aren't you

    Not so much now, lambshank, I just did a lot of reading about it years ago. This as far as my understanding

    Sorry...., This is as far as my understanding of this goes, there is much more to it than I know. Have always found it very interesting. It's not like I think about it everyday or operate my life with it in mind. Got a better understanding of it pertaining to myself when younger and now don't think much about it unless someone else brings it up. :-}

    Never mind.  It doesn't matter.

    I am a Taurus,a Taurus' profile is one of reliablity, placidness & loyality, but they can be possibly possessive & stubborn. I find i am all of these things.

    I'm a sagittarius and no, I don't think it matters.

    I am a Scorpio and I fit the profile very much.... I do not believe that day to day matters are affected that much by my horoscope though........

    I am Libra


    Mel, I anm so sorry about your Mom. Are you alright? Just let me know, okay? Love and prayers to you all. Ann

    Ann thank you sweetheart have been very busy with the arrangements ect I am so glad she is now at peace as Ann she really did suffer and I am glad I was not there at the end as I dont think I could have handled it you would never let a Animal suffer like this so why do they let humans suffer! its barbarack I am angry now in the way she died she was never on morphine all she had was a patch and I dont know what millograms that was but I will be taking further action I have already sent a complaint in to our MP and the Hospital anyway thank you for your caring Ann as you can gather I am angry for the pain My Mom had to induce before she died love mel xxxx

    Mel, I can ubderstand that this is a very painful time for you.I dont understand why your mom did not get morphine for pain. What was the Patch for? It had to be something to do with her cancer.If you think that the hospital was negligent, than by all means persue it.You have to stay strong to get through this trying time and I know it wont be easy. One day at a time. God will help you through it. I will pray for you and your family. Lots of love and prayers, Ann

    Ann thank you for your comments and thoghts the Patch has a little morphine in it a bit like a time release bt they come in 10mg to 50mg she was only on 20mg when speaking to a Doctor friend she said that woldnt have touch her they are very mild more like to be given when you have cronic back ache xxxx

    I am a Leo, and I think most us would have to admit to reading "our stars" in the paper, but matter, no


    lambshank i love leos. my favorite brother is a leo. my best co-workers a leo men. great generous people.

    I am a Taurus -- loyal, stubborn, calm, direct and to the point. However I am also Dutch, Loyal ,stobborn, calm, direct and to the point.  50/50

    I am a Cancer.  What will be wll be and the rest I can make.

    I am a Libra. But I dont really follow my horoscope anymore. I used to.


    Ann didnt know we were the same! oxoxox

    ""        NO Doesn't  matter !!!!


    spaceghost you have a point. what really matters is what we focus on.

    Hello tabber, how are you doing my friend ?

    Im Scorpio and yes,i do have a lot of the typical traits

    Capricorn ,,,the goat probably cause i smell like one..

    Capricorn. The most difficult people of all. Have a connection mostly with those who are Gemini. Wonder why?


    Thankq for your answer ed shank. Generally when we have a connection with someone there are at least 12 aspect that connect from them to us. You may have Gemini rising. We generally get along great with people that are the same sign as our rising sign. You may have moon in Gemini which gives the soul mate feeling. They may fall in your 5th house,(love, pleasure, sex and children). Which is great fun to us all. You may feel at home with them if Gemini falls in your 4th house of home life. I would say get a chart done by a neighborhood astrologer. It great fun and insightful & true. And I do believe in God.
    ed shank

    Tabber, Spoke to someone years ago who was really into astrology. I gave her all the info she requested. Several days later I asked her if she put a chart together for me. Her response was that it was the worst chart she had ever done, she was not specific but said there was nothing but tragedy, gloom and doom in my future. I was born 1-9-51 @ 9:15 Pm. Apparently these numbers were my curse. I've actually been more fortunate than most in all aspects of my being. So I'm not a believer in this stuff.

    thanks fish fry the creative mind is a beautiful thing!

    I do not believe in astrology, for me this is witchcraft anyone that is tampering in these difference practice like Ouija board,Voodoo,and occults are all putting them self at risk of being persuade by evil spirits, Astrology is just another way of fooling you to believe in something that your not,or making you think that you have power over other which is not true,so then it all a bunch of crap.My way of dealing with this,is " If you can't handle the thing of this world, don't be messing around the spiritual world that you know nothing about.


    facebook astrology is not voodoo,ouija boards, or evil spirits. it is a good tool for us because most activity is governed by the stars. example when to plant seeds, when to fish based on ocean currents, when to dehorn animals. everything is connected to the planets cosmos etc. Every great religion has had fools that do more evil than good. Any tool even religion works based on the motives and knowledge of the person using it. there are good ministers and priest and there are those that abuse children so everything all depends on everything else. thank you!

    i'm a sagittarius, and thats it doesn't matter to me, i beleive everyone has their own personality regardless of a sign.


    thanks wonderer, mucho truth to that!

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