    good primer?

    +2  Views: 897 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    You were in the beauty section so I think you mean a beauty product. I have always used Oil of Olay. I use it as a night cream and under my foundation. There are many expensive products but I don't think they help the situation.

    Foundation should be a good one - department store. It makes a big difference. My daughter always gets after me if I use the cheap stuff. She has lots of cosmetics and is kind of an expert.

    I am currently using "the cheap stuff" I'm watching pennies. 

    If for painting . Then I recommend the product , Zinsser Bulls Eye 123 Acrylic Primer sealer with a kill stain property . Its water base , bonds to glossy surfaces and helps seal most stains .Tips for painting interior walls . Sand with 220 to 150 grit . Clean walls with tsp substitute . Can also tint primer for less coats . For heavy stains . Can pre prime with an oil base spray primer in can . Kills or Cover Stain .

    I like the natural mineral powders, they also make a good primer and concealer, after years of cortisone due to allergic reaction it's all I use these days and I'm very happy with it

    Total One Kiltz primer is a good one.

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