    why do i hate u

    +4  Views: 1216 Answers: 27 Posted: 12 years ago

    Don't forget that a question is supposed to end with a question mark, okay? LOL!

    27 Answers

    perhaps cause you hate yourself first..

    I cant imagine.. I am a fabulous person....

    HATE is kind of a sick emotion. Perhaps you should see a doctor..........


    The way Grrrrr used "hate" it sure seems like he/she isn't well.

    Strange person!

    I am walking evil...good call.  Saved yourself all sorts of grief.


    Hm...walking evil?

    Be afraid ... be very afraid ... oh shoot! I have to get rid of that cute fish.

    You have great intuition, even over the internet!  Don't "read too much " in to it, though. hahaha

    You don"t hate me you hate yourself!!!!

    It takes a larger brain capacity to love, obviously yours has not yet evolved.

    Because at the moment you are probably feeling down and out,you hate the world. Try and work on your issues,and hopefully you will see things in a different light.Hate and anger are nasty emotions to have.

    Probably has something to do with low self-esteem, and how you see people in relation to yourself. In analogy, it paralells not being able to respect someone else until you respect yourself. Life is what you make of it. If you are not wanting to go through life feeling that miserable, you should perhaps look into counseling, or a self-help program that requires you to do an honest self-inventory and examine what and why you do what you do. It would take lots of hard self-examination, and effort to change your behavior...but over time it would change how you view yourself and others, and make you a much happier person. You seem to have the honesty, now all it takes is some guts and determination to find the world a much more pleasant place to reside in.


    I wish you well...just remember that you don't have to live the life of a tormented soul...unless that's what you really want to do!

    Are you sure it's really hate that you're feeling? Many people dislike people because of their own negative attitude, it could be a problem with you and your perception of other people.....

    Try looking for the good qualitites in people instead of the bad ones, also you kind of have to try to sympathisize with their situation, let me give you a brief story on perspective, this is what you may want to change.

    I was in the doctor's office and this lady waiting with me in the room had two unruly kids that were just loud and very misbehaved. There was no way to ignore the kids they were totally out of controll. Eventually I asked the mom if she could please just calm them or stop them from being so loud and she started crying and explaining that their father had passed away...

    We'll I felt like crap for getting pissed at their antics and apologized to her and had a nice long chat to try to comfort her. So it was my perspective that effected my feelings and a little of my temper, if I had known It wouldn't have bothered me. How many times do we get pissed at people without knowing what's going on with them personally?  


    "How many times do we get pissed at people without knowing what's going on with them personally? " Leeroy

    Those are words that can keep friends as friends, keep families together and much more.

    Those are words that could save a life or two if you crossed the wrong person at the wrong time. (or should that be right time : / )

    Welcome home LEEROY, thought maybe you were enjoying the time machine longer than

    Well said Leeroy, very insightful...Thank You for sharing that with us. It's these kinds of things we often forget, but are life-changing in how we see, understand, and interact with the world around us.

    Hey guy's and gal, great to hear from you. I was stuck in 1988 for a while. I had to go back and kick myself in the butt for breaking up with my awesome high school girlfriend, lol.

    Thanks and looking forward to talking with you all soon. Hope everything's been good with you.


    It doesn't upset me in the slightest as your a Dick head by all accounts

    I don't  know why.  You shouldn't  hate me or anyone else, I DON'T HATE you.    Put a little LOVE in your heart,  You'll feel better and it will make you a better person.

    Thats because you hate yourself.


    That's a pretty strong word your using at a young age,what's down the road for you...just more hate.Live life,no time for hate,life's too short.

    Why would I care?  Oh, wait.....I don't.
    Hugs and kisses, sweetheart. 

    Because you realy "LOVE"me.You know i love me as well ."Thats what makes the world go around so try and say I "LOVE you.

    I remember when I was 12 & 13 I just hated everyone and I wasn't afraid to let them know. There was no reason for this except Hormones and a kind of borderline home life. 


    hey........iam  just the reflection in your mirror........


    That's the way to say, username. Come around here more often, ok?

    Also, I like your screen name. My son ordered a tee shirt and just to be funny instead of writing his school name ... or something, he wrote:
    YOUR NAME GOES HERE. Most people didn't get it ... some did. : D

    No one read the question or saw the tags I guess . I dont like rap music either . No telling why !!! Rubs against the grain . Blues is better .

    shit happens


    And hopefully we don't step in it!

    cause ihate you

    Shootah that the sparkle of commiseration glimmering over the horizon? Listen, in the distance, I think I can hear the footsteps of Understanding trodding down Life's path. (Just sharing a little humor.)

    Then why are you here ???

    It just might be he is referring to Rap and Hip-Hop.                                                    

    See the category above his question.


    intetesting ... on my way to organizing my dresser drawers I'm going to see if I can find it.

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