    Anyone here adopted, do you want to know who biological parents are ?

    Im adopted. From what i understand i was adopted through a lutheran social services place long ago. Might be interesting to find some info about mother, i dont know. My real parents are the ones that raised me.

    +8  Views: 1146 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    i would like to find my daughter. dont have the funds

    It truly can be done. The court system, at least in the U.S., has made it easier for bio parents and child to reunite. Do you know the exact town you were born? Birtdate? Name or names of either bio parents? Hospital you were born?

    Zorro, if you live in the U.S. and the case was done in this country, you may be in luck. Lately, closed adoption cases can now use the assistance of intermediaries, usually someone from a law firm. This person takes your signed petition to a judge in the state where the adoption occurred to have it approved. Once approved, the intermediary seeks out your bio parent or parents and asks the bio parent if there's any interest in learning more about the child. If the answer is positive (something in writing from the bio parent), the intermediary goes back to court to ask the judge to allow the contact between parent and child to commence.

    Let me know if you would like more assistance. Good luck.


    Thanks for your comment and time.

    7 Answers

    My mom was.. and I would love to find out more  about her bio mom.. I have everything on bio dad. I never met my bio dad.. I found him 6 mo after he died,,, But cant really get any family history on him. Even though I met his brohters and sisters... Also 2 sister that I have.

    If you think about it alot and it bothers you, then yes,you. schould try to find out about your birthmom.But you schould let your adoptive parents know about it and tell them how you feel. After all your adoptive parents raised you as theire own. Wish you luck.

    I dont know my Bio father and I dont wont to know he never looked at me when I was born and he told my Mother never to get intouch so hey we never did! as far as I am concerned my Father who addopted me is my real Dad and I loved him to bits yes it is true that I would like to know wether I had half sister/brother and you do fantasize about things but I am happy with my Mum and my poor dad who is now deseased


    Sorry to hear the sad story. Let bygones be bygones. God is our Father who loves us. Take care.

    Benchong so right and amen thank you xxx

    My son was adopted away from me and now that he is of age, I'd like to find him...

    ed shank

    Start looking now. Keep my experience in mind though, could be a heart breaker.

    Thank you, I'll keep that in mind. He was 10 when he was taken away, I'm sure he remembers me... I just want to tell him I love him and always have...
    ed shank

    Hopefully he's not a mental mess thinking about who you are today, where you are today, what your reaction would be today. This thing F**ked with my head all of my life.

    I have confidence in my son... He knows me...

    i understand that. i wasnt adopted but i was orphaned. my friends mom had her out of wedlock and she said her dad made her but her REAL dad raised her. that just meant that she loves him and hell always be number 1.  her mom had gotten married to someone else. which i think is wonderful that a man will love and raise someone elses child!


    I was, but I was adopted from Korea. I would like to meet my birth parents though

    Never met my Bio father. I did find him and contacted him by phone. He told me never to contact him again. I also have three sisters, they also told me to piss off. Be careful what you wish for the outcome may just cause much more pain. Be content that you had people in your life that loved you.


    hi ed sorry to hear that me too never met my Bio Father! didnt want to as he told my Mother never to get intouch eithso to me he is a waste of space and when I was born he never even looked at me! sad some people xxxx
    ed shank

    If I put myself in that situation I could never turn away my flesh and blood regardless of the circumstances. Some people just suck. He has to answer to the Big guy one day, wonder what his excuse will be?

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