    what does potassium do for the body

    0  Views: 593 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    Potassium is present in a fluid form in the body cells and acts as an electrolyte along with other minerals like sodium, chloride, calcium, and magnesium. It is helps in maintaining the heart, brain, kidney, muscles tissues and other organs of the body in a healthy condition. It plays a key role in sending nerve signals and increases the body metabolism to use proteins, fat and carbohydrates for energy.

    Deficiency of potassium in the body causes inactive reflexes, fatigue, heart palpitation, anemia, severe headaches and weakness in muscles. Some other severe effects of potassium deficiency are high blood pressure, swelling in glands, diabetes, pain in the intestines, etc. Hence, one should have a balanced diet containing fair amount of potassium in it. Fruits, vegetables and grains are all dietary sources of potassium. Bananas, salmon, almonds, chicken, tomatoes, potatoes, whole milk are some other rich sources of potassium. Here is a detailed account of what potassium does for the body.

    Benefits of Potassium
    The health benefits of potassium to the body are as follows:
    It prevents the occurrence of a stroke in the human brain. In fact, a person may suffer from this disease if found deficient in this essential body nutrient.
    It helps in maintaining the blood sugar level as potassium deficiency causes a drop in the blood sugar level and leads to sweating, headache, trembling, etc.
    It plays a key role in regular contraction and relaxation of the muscles, hence, maintains muscle functions and optimal nerve.
    It helps in preventing the possibilities of muscle cramps or hypokalemia in the body.
    Since it functions as an electrolyte, it maintains the electrical conductivity of the brain, and impacts the brain function. It is also plays a vital role in enhancing the higher brain functions like memory and learning.
    Unlike sodium, potassium helps in balancing normal blood pressure and minimizes the possibilities of heart diseases and hypertension. It is also considered as a best stress and anxiety buster.
    It plays a significant role in regulating water balance in the human body, and also assists the kidneys to remove the waste products from the body through excretion.
    Potassium boosts the spirit of nerve reflexes to send messages from one body part to another, which in turn helps in muscle contraction to perform daily activities.
    Side Effects of Potassium
    The adverse effects of potassium usually occurs due to excessive intake of potassium supplements. Hence, the intake of potassium supplements should always be under a doctor's supervision. Some of the side-effects of potassium to the body are as follows:
    Gastritis and gastrointestinal hemorrhage
    Nausea and loss of consciousness
    Diarrhea and dehydration
    Cardio-respiratory arrest and arrhythmia
    Dysphagia and pyrexia
    Potassium is one of the most abundant mineral found in the human body and is considered to be a health insurer. Since it helps in maintaining a healthy and cheerful lifestyle, one shouldn't ignore the inclusion of potassium in their daily diet.
    By Kanika Khara
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