    If a person came to your door asking for food would you give it to them?

    +7  Views: 1367 Answers: 18 Posted: 12 years ago

    Good question DAZ

    I would most definitely give them what I could & give them a number to the local food pantry.

    18 Answers

    Yes, would you ?


    I would feed them , But I am not sure what I would do after that . Should I find them help?

    Daz, I suppose if we felt comfortable we might ask "Do you need any help? Maybe give them the number of the Salvation Army. Hasn't happened to me ... ever.

    I'd give what I could or feed them what I had...

    YES.   I have no problem giving someone food, clothing, other items.  Do not ask me for money.

    I wouldnt even think about it I would give fresh food and some frozen for the trip and clothes but not money

    Yes....i would try and give what i could.

    If I was living near a town or in town I certainly would give him or her food. But I live so far from town and off the beaten path that no one would think coming to my house to ask for food. In all my 29 years living here, no one even came for holloween.


    Ann I would come to Halloween if I was near ha ha I dont know what I would dress as? lol

    ed shank

    You must have a stockpile of goody's, see you in October.

    I would give him money because Chinese food may not be what he wants.


    I will take the Chinese food that he refuses. : )

    I am glad you like Chinese food. But what we have at home is simple, not like those in the restaurant.

    I love Chinese food, my second favorite.. Of course, being Italian, that is first.. :)

    Next time before you go to a Chinese restaurant, consult me on what to order.

    I have so many gates and protection  around my house in this mean town I live in if someone knocked on my front door I'd call 911 and alert the burglar alarm.

    If I met someone on the outside and they wanted food, i'd give it to them. Yes! I'd give them money for a beer on a hot day - in fact I did that the other day  in front of the grocery store. You have to be careful when you give money or food. Is it a good person?  I like to give to Salvation Army.

    By the way, my town is #4 in crime in the U.S.  Right Bob?


    where are you?

    Fresno, CA

    So you live in New Haven -is that right? it's got the 4th highest crime in the US. yvonne57

    yes i would. i give people "spare change" if they ask. you never know when you might be entertaining angels

    yes,i hope that the person is honestly hungary.

    I know absolutely everyone on this mountain, so a "stranger" would never approach me for a meal. Hypothetically, I would.  

    Depends if he had a gun or not...


    How would you know?

    I'd ask him if his gun was as big as mine.. If he said no then I would feed him.. and then we'd talk about guns.. I like guns, I'm a conservative.. LOL

    You funny, Vinny man. You ole' conservative you.

    yes without hesitation,but i wouldnt give them money if i thought they were going to spend it on alcohol......i never give money to the "spare change brigade" for that reason


    I give change or the occasional dollar, I know too many people in that boat. If they are going to buy a beer with my change well, more power to them. If they just wanted something to eat then my job is done....

    Yes, because it would have to be hard for a person to come to you and ask for food. Money is different, at least I think so, people will do anything for money, but it seems to me food is different because it would have to be consumed fairly soon which would preclude barter or trade, the person would have to be desperate.

    Yes and some food,

    YES...I had a distant friend come knocking once looking for help. Her boyfriend had left and emptied the house of most the food. We emptied half of what we had and went shopping for a few more things to get her back on her feet. The world enough of a mess so why add to the swirl when all it takes is a yes!

    Yes with no hesitation. It my happen sooner then you think, This day and age.


    good answer lol

    Yes I would and wile there're eating I would give them allot of free

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