    Where is the saddest place on Earth?

    Disneyland is suppsed to be the happiest place on Earth. Where's the saddest?

    +1  Views: 2348 Answers: 16 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: earth place sad

    16 Answers

    In your heart when you feel so overcome with depression as to feel utterly hopeless & helpless......

    Any childrens' hospital is what I would say.

    The White House

    In your heart when you feel so overcome with depression as to feel utterly hopeless & helpless......

    Probably the African Continent.

    Africa I would think


    iraq, orphanages, afghanistan and pakistan, africa, :(

    At an abortion clinic.

    Wherever torture is inflicted upon innocent beings

    It could be your home if you are not living a wholesome life. Any place on the earth has the disadvantage of poor living habits. I could not fathom just one place. There are sad hearts everywhere.

    The minds and hearts of ignorant men; men who have yet to know the true Good which is Love the Presence of God.

    It has got to be your place of work if it is run by dictatorship management.

    In anyones heart that rarely experience if any joy.


    I would say it's in the heart of a child who has been abandoned or rejected by his/her birth parents.

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