    how to lower sugar fast

    0  Views: 455 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer


    People who have had diabetes for a while know what will cause a spike in their blood sugar and what to do to cause it to go lower almost immediately.

    If you have recently been diagnosed with diabetes, you might panic when you see a high number. The best thing to do is not to panic. Stressful situations can release hormones that will cause your blood sugar to rise even higher. If you are feeling anxious, drink a cup of chamomile tea, take a walk, relax and breathe deeply.

    Think back to figure out what you ate to cause your blood sugar to go higher. Once you discover the culprit, try to avoid that food or that amount of food in the future.

    According to an article "How to Lower Your Blood Sugar Fast," two options are given:

    Burn off Sugar
    Use up the glucose in your bloodstream with physical movement by jogging, riding a stationary bicycle or doing some calisthenics such as jumping jacks. Swing your arms in circular movements. Keep up the activity for at least 10 minutes or more.
    Flush out Sugar
    Drink two 8-ounce glasses of water quickly. Wait five minutes and drink a third glass which will cause you to urinate. Water dilutes the blood and flushes out the sugar from your bloodstream.
    Here are some foods and drinks that will lower your blood sugar quickly:

    Peanut Butter
    Eat 2 tablespoons of peanut butter. If you don't want to eat it alone, put it on apple slices. Do not put it on crackers or bread for they are carbohydrates and counterproductive to lowering your blood sugar. This writer ate peanut butter, and it quickly lowered her blood sugar level by at least 40 points.

    Unsweetened Green Tea
    An article suggests that drinking one cup of green tea often lowers blood sugar levels as much as 30 points. Regular black tea is also effective, and white tea helps, too. Green tea supplements also have a positive effect on blood sugar levels.

    Cinnamon has been known to reduce blood sugar levels. Sprinkle a couple teaspoons of cinnamon powder on yogurt, or take it in capsule form. This doesn't work with a huge cinnamon roll.

    Red Wine
    One glass of red wine can help lower your blood sugar. Do not have more than one glass of red wine. Make sure it is red wine you are having instead of white wine, beer, or any other alcoholic beverage.

    According to Diabetes In Control, 2 tablespoons of vinegar before a meal even as part of a vinaigrette salad dressing will dramatically reduce the spike in blood concentrations of insulin and glucose.

    Almonds or Pecans
    Eating a 1/2 cup of almonds or pecans can lower a diabetic's blood sugar level.

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