    Would you object to sitting next to an overweight person on a flight

    +15  Views: 1764 Answers: 28 Posted: 12 years ago

    I think so. Depends on the size and the distance to be traveled. I like how you say, roddy.

    Come on guys this is not a Fat Bashing session, not all overweight persons are caused through over eating it may be a medical problem which is no fault of theirs.

    28 Answers

    It might make things a little tighter, but It wouldn't bother me. Instead of airlines charging obese people more money, why don't they make their seats a little more spacious? They are cramming people into small seats to begin with, what do they think we are sardines?

    They are busy cramming as many people into the smallest space possible, and then they want to blame or charge their customer's more money for their frugality. Why don't they give people a little more space?


    You said it. I am 5"7" tall and have trouble standing erect without hitting the top of my head. I cram into a seat with barely enough room for my legs and then the #@! &*%@ in the seat in front of me wants to lean back and sleep. UGH I pay for this misery and then pay to bring a bag with me. Bags are such an unusual thing for a person to carry on a trip, I suspect the airlines feel they should charge extra for this extravagance.

    Thanks Mmouse, they are the ones that made the spaces to tight to begin with, must just be greed? I guess we should all be able to afford first class.

    leeroy, the more people they can fit in, the more money they make.

    It would depend on how overweight they were. If they are too large for their seat, they should upgrade to a class which has larger seats.


    Yes, that’s what I should have said. Thanks Flip.

    No. Why schould that bother anyone?


    People have been complaining that they should not be made feel uncomfortable and squashed in their seat,sitting next to some one that is rather too big for thier own seat,Airlines want the obese person to pay for double seating.This is whats been said here in Australia on current affairs program.

    If someone is really that overweight that they have to have two seats, they certainly schould be charged more.

    Not as long as there was someone just as heavy on the other side of the aisle to balance out the plane.



    no! as long as they didn't eat my peanuts!

    definately it would not bither me at all and why should it!

    I would welcome that. They're soft and fluffy. I always fall asleep on the person next to me.



    Not as long as they only occupied their own seat & not mine as well.

    We flew from LAX to Fort Worth beside a rather large Greek lady.She shared her lollies with us & we laughed & talked all the way.

    No, it wouldn't bother me. Matter of fact, I don't think I would have thought of it, without it being asked of me as a question.

    Nope as long as they are comfortable.. There is nothing worse than traveling with someone who is miserable.

    Thats like asking if I would sit beside someone with different colored skin. I am tired of the division of people due to weight...who cares...everyone is human and everyone has great things about them.

    Several years ago on a flight to Ibiza i was sat next to a huge lady;- she was lovely and we were chatting & laughing  thoughout our flight albeit a little tight on arm space.     

    No they payed there "Fare just like you and i.It could a underline illness have ,pity my "Friend.


    Their illness is overeating, my friend. They should pay for two seats. It would make them think when they reach for the cream cake before lunch.

    Wow!!That's kinda harsh.

    I have occasion to sit next to a very large person at a seasonal sporting event.  Yes, it bothers me!  Why?  Because their body is on top of mine...their leg is pushing against mine, their arm and shoulder is pushing against mine, the arm rest seems to belong to them, I can feel the heat from their body...Why would that NOT bother someone?  It is uncomfortable to have someone "sitting on top of you"  for hours. 


    You are turning me on Miss Ducky,

    It would bother me. I've sat next to overweight people on trains and there's not much room left.


    If she smells good and occasionally lets me go pee, I am game!

    Squeeze behind them when the plane crashes.


    They might squash you to death.

    Been there, done that.  It didn't bother me, i actually liked the guy, he was continually apologizing for making me uncomfortable, he really wasn't.  i was fine. I am of small stature.


    I used to do a lot of flying with business, I can remember worst cases, screaming babies, one guy gets on the plane with a burrito and smelled the whole plane, i was close to but not next to someone with intense BO..  person next to me mentioned it too..  I think I know who it was but i won't mention here of fear of stereotyping and racism--  But I'll do it anyway-- It was an asian indian.. Hindu..  They stink bigtime.... 


    I knew someone would come forward... :) in my defense though and not really trying to be racist, I am in a business that deals with 90% Asian, and I must say, many Indians do have a smell, perhaps its curry?? I am Italian and people say i smell of garlic! LOL.. So I am racist towards Italians too.. We stink!!! :)

    No. I might ask to be moved if I was next to an Over-bearing person.

    It's really more important the people sitting near me don't smell bad or have bad breath, and are pleasant in nature.

    perhaps they were keeping thier cherpati,warm with thier thighs,??


    No wonder you've called yourself Dirty Den!
    You can't get past them to go to the loo and when you do they get upset.

    YES ! They steal my peanuts and pretzels !

    Pyth, is this person reasonably large, if that is so they proberly would not be able to get into an airline seat as not very wide, most likely they would travel first class, bigger, wider seats.


    This topic has been raised with airlines,they want an overweight person or should i say obese person to pay for extra seating, when flying, apparently because of their size they are taking up 2 seats.

    Of course, especialy if the flight is longer than an hour. Airlines should offer bariatric(wider) seats (for and upcharge of course) for people that are larger than the size airoplane designers had in mind.

    No, I'm not that shallow.


    Have you had any occasion when a very fat person sat "on top of you" for hours? It is uncomfortable to say the least. I can't imagine that, other than being "politically correct", anyone could HONESTLY say "that's okay with problem"...unless of course...

    Regardless of your size, pythonlover, you can be next to me any time!

    Overweight people do cause problem in the aviation department for the extra weight on board,not to mention the extra space require, that just one problem among the many others that are not mention.



    Only if he/she was stealing my food.


    They would have your Chipati straight away,

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