    Did you hear this one? A 31 year old man, in Sydney, converted to Islam recently. Two nights ago, a group of men broke into his house, and whipped him 40 times with a power cord. It seems he had a drink of alcohol so Sharia law took effect. Police have arrested some men.

    +9  Views: 2815 Answers: 20 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: religion

    good question eggie

    eggie I posted a question a coulpe of days a go its about a email recieved please read it and let me what you think !

    What was in it?

    20 Answers

    Well rules is rules.If he was stupid enough to get himself into their stupid bloody religion it serves him right.I hope he has second thoughts now.


    I doubt it. It's like the drunkard that comes home and beats his wife, she thinks its his way of showing he loves her..

    Wow Eggie, this is whacked! If they treat a man like this I feel sorry for their women!


    You said it. They are trying to bring Sharia law into Australia.

    OMG, they keep trying to do this everywhere, in the U.S. as well. It will never pass here unless they have the majority in the population. Sorry to hear about that, the world sure is changing faster, it seems.

    ? have to do with woman, he disrespect the book, he know, the teach him a lesson, he had a joice
    ed shank

    You can't bang your neighbors wife but you can put it to his sheep.

    This guy has painted himself into a corner. apostasy in Islam means death.

    (Apostasy =  leaving your religion)

    Sharia law and its  barbaric inflictions have no place in a just and free society, and should be condemned, along with  the  perpetrators of this evil.


    They tell us that we have no choice that Islam and sharia law is coming to Australia. I say bullsh*** over my dead body!

    Thumbs up eggie. You are right. Keep on keeping on!

    one day something will snap in the ordinary decent citizen and then the shit will hit the fan!

    But these guys are really stirring it up in the UK. . 

    it really does piss me right off, if you move to a new country, respect it! they obviously move because their own country was in trouble or just a shit place to be. I just dont want them to bring their shit with them! 

    will they just continue to move from country to country working to impose  the living conditions they left in the first place?



    I know, I read it yesterday and was shocked. My Aunty in Yorkshire said England is not England anymore. One of her son's has migrated to Western Australia. I reckon, we should pack the whole lot back where they belong with sharia law already in force. I can't stand them. We live on the Central Coast and at the moment it's almost muslim free.

    Hi Grit your answer is so right well done for your honesty lol
    ed shank

    Don't hold back Grit, tell it like it is.

    power chords rock


    They must have been following him around. I wonder if he'll have second thoughts. Muslims are going to bombard us with ads on tv about Islam. I'll turn the sound off or change stations.
    Roger Willcoe

    lol.....that sounds better

    Just a thought - Why join a religion that demands such stupidity of oneself? Is this really what people think the "Gods" or "Goddesses" require of us? Think not.


    some people can be sold anything,when you find out what room their in

    Guess Im going to be in the bad books of many people here, but I just like to give my openion.

    There are 73 different types of Muslims, some of the major groups are, Sunni, Shai, Baki, Sufi, Mirzoi, Wahabi, and many small groups of Muslims. They  view Muslim religon in different ways, all in their belief.!

    There are 1,000s of Christain groups,like, Roman Catholic, Orthodux, Easteran Christians, Church of England, Pentescostal, and Methodist. They also  view Christanty in different ways, all in their belief.!

    With so many groups, in both religons, they cant all be the true Christain or Muslim. religon. each to their own. Some people say Muslims are not good, other people, can say, Christians are not good either,  Often times, a religon (people)  are  picked on, as no good, because, of things that have been said and done. Its like taring all groups, with same brush, with out thinking about good also. , Christain and Muslim, believe in same God at the end of the day, just Muslims call him Allah. People can be so prejudice, while remaining on the surface, with out digging deeper.




    The world holds two classes of men – intelligent men without religion, and religious men without intelligence

    good thinking.God gave humans the capacity to choose between what is right and what is wrong. if u abuse it it becomes a bad deed.

    In the UK we also have Cannon Law.

    Being a member of a religion does not make you judge jury and jailer does it?


    For the last week, we have had a lot of driveby shootings. The muslim gangs are at war. People were targeted who merely bought some of the criminal's homes without knowing the implications. Many of them escaped without injury. Even the neighbours are copping it too. I never ever want to live in Sydney, it's getting dangerous. I think these crims. must get their guns on the black market.

    1. if he was beaten because of religion, who gave them the right to do such a bad deed. Only God has to judge him and noone else. Islam is for peace and is most misunderstood. Such acts of violance brings it a bad name. They will be judged accordingly.

    2. Please don't judge an entire religion- an Abrahmic one at that by such senseless acts.


    Hi Sawal, In Australia some of the people of that religion give us a lot of trouble. There are regular gun fights, like cowboys, against each other, guns are ilegal here. They do a lot of home invasions and gang rape our women. What would you think if we did that to your people? I know there are many good Muslims, but we seemed to have copped a lot of bad eggs.

    This man knew he was doing wrong. Its like every rule, break it , and pay the price.

    Just bury a pig in your front yard with a picture tombstone of the pig, that will keep the muslims away.


    Or a picture of child, or children, been raped by priests. That would keep them away also.

    so what's the difference between you and these guys- none. Try promoting peace and let the authority deal with them to the full extent of the law. They s/b punished most severely.

    zorro, turn the other cheek if u have to.

    I so agree with Dollybird and Sawal. Zorro, I can feel within your written expression the intense dislike and anger you feel for one particular group of people. You use words that are offensive and insulting to one particular group of people the majority of who are guilty of no crime and have done nothing wrong.I wish to state my objection.

    Sound like religion to the extreme... And justice in the wrong hands...

    To hell with them all.

    Was it not the AA looking for new members?

    I wounder, is it the gun law, that is encouraging so much trouble. If people were not allowed to carry guns in first place. Only people with licence have a gun, under  lock and key, and use them only for sports. It works here in Ireland. Not saying there are no shootings here, there are, but  not that much. When there are shootings, often to do with drugs, The guns thoes crazy people hold must get them on black market. Never heard of any one using, Bow and Arrow here.


    We are not allowed to carry guns in Australia. Those people get them on the blackmarket.

    Not sure if that is really true,


    It's true alright. The men are before the court.

    if this is true, upon conviction, repatriate them to their country of origin beacuse of taking the law in their hands. MAKE THIS A LAW 


    I agree with you Sawal and I know that in the Middle East, that kind of behaviour would not be tolerated. I wish our country would do that.

    Well here is the problem the way i see it., some idiot converted to islam not knowing the rules they play by. He got his ass beat for it. let these dumbass muslims fight and kill each other. Sharia law is law only where it is allowed. Its a crock of crap and not allowed here in USA. Your problem is like the mexican drug gang  problem we have here in Texas. Get yourself a good watch dog, a 10 gauge shot gun,couple other 12 ga. shotguns, crossbow, a good hand gun-  357 magnum. to protect yourself and property. A few well placed signs to warn people of dog, and sign that trespassers will be shot, will usually do the trick. These attackers will attack the weak and defenseless usually. They dont want a confrontation. Everybody needs to learn the best way to protect themselves in case of attack, whatever means necessary. I am just a little over that and prepared.



    I don't think I could live easily and comfortably under such territorial conditions

    In Australia, we are not allowed to have guns. But we can own crossbows because that is a sport.
    Just this week a couple of them invaded a house armed with a stun gun. One of the intruders was stabbed by the owner of the house. The intruder ran away and died. Now the owner of the house faces murder charges. The police say we can use reasonable force against them. But who is going to think of reasonable force if someone is going to do them in.

    Didnt know that. Here in Texas they would have been buried allready. Oh, charges would not have filed like that. I have a cross bow because that is one thing nobody would ever want to get shot with.

    in Australia follow ausie law not Texaan or Sharia. No one s/b allowed to take the law in their hands.period.

    Thanks didnt know, hey is winter about over there in australia.

    josie Hi, if you are in America, would not be easy to live with gun culture either. In many ways, its much safer for females in Muslim countrys, also depending which group Muslims your with, like Christains, there are different groups. The radical Muslims,they crazy, just like some Christians.

    There are bad people everywhere. Whats the best way to protect yourself and property, a gun. I have absolutely no problem using a firearm against somebody if necessary. It is not against the law to use force against an intruder. It is absolutely weak to not be able to use all means to protect yourself. I failed to mention one thing. Forget the dog , its the three roosters roaming the property that will create a disturbance and jump on somebodies back if they dont recognize someone, during the daylight though.


    It's spring down here. The weather is always changeable at this time.

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