    Do You Like the rolling Stones

    I loved them and still do one one the best groups in the 20th century

    +12  Views: 1441 Answers: 17 Posted: 12 years ago

    They are a very good group my friend.

    thank you spaceghost :-)

    Thank you Spaceghost lol

    thank you zy867 :-) love the k-bear !

    17 Answers em, my favourite songs are
    Wild Horses
    Brown sugar
    Honky tonk woman
    Little red rooster
    Under the boardwalk
    Emotional rescue
    Start me up

    All Over Now & Sympathy for the Devil.

    brown sugar and honky tonk woman those lyrics where did they get them all of the ones you have mentioned are fab Oh pythonlover knew you had taste thamk you for your answer lol

    Jumpin'Jack Flash,it's a gas gas gas.

    I can get no satisfaction!

    I think the Stones are pretty good.  However, I prefer the Scottish group "The Marmalade" with the song "Reflections of My Life", the Tremeloes' Silence is Golden and of course,

    The one and only >>>>> The Beatles' Hey Jude


    yea right on Hey Jude

    Loved ...But its all over now


    yes very good friendindeed

    Yes every song reminds me of my teens...around 13 to 16....great days

    me to Friendindeed lol

    "It ain't over till it's over!"

    yes Panda your right there lol

    great band the strolling bones


    A TU for thinking they are great I do as well thank you Daren for your comment lol

    I saw the Stones way back in 1966 when they did their first tour Down Under, there were only approx. 200 at the concert back then if D.J's did not like record they did not play them , they were ignorant buggers then, we heard them just the same from the fresh immagrant pommie kids  records, they were brilliant then and every tour, if i can get tickets , the comparison between the Stones and the Beatles, there isn't any, two entirely different groups . I like them both.


    you are my man bullitman I saw them in the seventys in hyde park in london and everyone was dressed in white I was in a white trouser suit and and big white hat and I had to get a tube to get there I a came of that tube black and when i got there I couldnt even see them but I could listen ah they were the days and I bunked of school he he dont tell anyone! and thanks for the comments

    "Midnight Rambler". My all time favorite. Anyone not likin the Stones is looked upon with disdain, and horror. Not someone I would want to share a beer with.


    That whole cd is a classic.

    thanks Ed for your comment

    Yep. Most groups are Rolling Stones wannabe's


    how true is that freedomfighter

    When I was a kid I loved that 'buzz' sound on 'I can't get no satisfaction' I wanted that sound so bad I figured out that the only way to get it was to punch a hole in my 300 dollar Guitar amp my parents got me for my birthday, it WORKED! cept that every thing I played sounded like 'I can't get no satisfaction.' :(  Then I found  'FUZZTONE' I foot operated device you plug the guitar into to switch on and off the BUZZ..  Yes I like the Rolling Stones, I just wished they told us kids in the beginning that we needed a 'fuzztone' so we didn't poke a hole in our  $300 amps and then get our azzez kicked by our parents..


    Thanks Vinny for your comment not really into the Buzz but I do know what you mean, and I am sure you sounded just like them LOL

    You would had to live the time, I'm sure the old timers here know what I am talking about, especially the musicians. Today, that 'buzz' sound has several names, It's a 'device' that makes your sound distorted. The different eras give it different names, 'Crunch, Power Chording, distortion, etc,' all the rock guitar sounds today got its beginnings from the Rolling stones ''Fuzztone device'.. as you look on the floor in front of any rock guitarists, you will see an array of pedals that control different effects for the guitar.. Thank you Rolling Stones for this.. :) Guitar is my second instrument now, I am in piano/keyboard today.

    Have you ever stopped to think how many of us lived a life like the song NO Satisfaction

    Yeah, I lived that 'no satisfaction' life too until I found that I must satisfy myself and not expect others to satisfy me.. Once you get the hang of it, satisfaction comes pretty easy.. :)

    They are a very good group, my favorite is  " I CAN'T GET NO SATISFACTION ".


    Oh spaceghost I am sure you can!!!

    Thank you my friend, I sure do love to get satisfaction lol !!

    Perhaps you go to the wrong nightclubs,??

    Only their old stuff.


    thanks digger yes I only like there old stuff thank you for your comment

    Hi Mel, Welcome back. I haven't seen you around in a while but noticed that you check in regularly. I'll be in Manchester several times this year on business and my accompanying wife would like to meet up with you and your better half. Dinner is on us. Any good Italian restaurants in Manchester? LOL. Let me know.

    @digger that would be great the only problem is that I am so busy with work and I do a lot of demos being a animal Activiest I really don't have time I am booked up now till Semptember with work etc but after September we will probley be free sorry about that and would love to meet you and the other half thank you so much of thinking of me what work are you just out of interest! Xxxx

    All of the music from way back then puts me on a real trip when I hear it.

    It was a great time to be a teenager.There was so much wonderful music being produced.The Stones,Beatles,Eric Burden & the animals.I could go on for ages & still miss a couple.


    oh yes now your talking! My husband knew one of the Animals he went to grammer school with them and of course he is from newcastle where they are from brilliand band as you say Tommyh it was great being a teenager in those days as there were so many bands out there who were very talanted thanks for your comments LOL
    ed shank

    Not only was the music great, but it was the best era to have grown up in. People woke up and changed the face of history. The sheep mentality became no more. We all, of that generation changed the world.

    I think most American & Aussie kids had a possible tour of duty (In Vietnam)hanging over our heads in the lead up to our 20th.birthday.The music took our minds off it.

    Man when you hear some of their songs it takes ya back way back

    No, can't stand them.


    Oh Eggie why not!well at least your Honest tu for that
    ed shank

    Shame, shame on you. We'll forgive you this time.
    Chiangmai beer with Ed shank. Let's see if we can convince him to share with you a famous Hawaiian drink: Maitai!

    What?? No like Rolling Stones!!??!!?? I am disappointed. I guess you don't like aerosmith, ZZ-Top and the Dobie Bros either.. :( I'm heartbroken..

    how old are some of you,???????my grandad youse to tell about them as a bed time story,


    Too bad he didn't work on your spelling with you rather than reading you bedtime stories.

    Obviously some of us are as old as your grand dad.. Listen to him, he has a lot to share with you.. maybe you'll be the one that will bring it all back!

    I am as old as I feel and I have just back from 5 mile hike and I feel 18 years old ask your grandad what was his favorite song by the stones!

    I'm more into Il Divo.


    sorry Eggie never heard of them

    Divo a N.Z. group later known as Crowded House

    Split Enz,later became crowded house.

    I thought Split Enz and Divo were one of the same.

    Sort 'em out will you Eggy.

    "No one even comes close to the be-in the best, as the (Rolling Stones) except for (Elvis) "The King!"


    Yea your right there Panda thanks LOL

    "Thank you,Thank you,Thank you very much!"



    yes dwayene I think so to LOL

    " It's down to me the difference in the clothes she wears down to me, the change has come,She's under my thumb.............Ain't it the truth,babe?


    oh that brings back memories Panda LOL

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