    Will Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, heir to the throne, be required to refund the RAF - in other words UK taxpayers - for his expensive training as a helicopter pilot?

    As a wealthy young man, his position compares unfavourably with English elderly people who are required to sell their own homes to pay for accommodation in old people's homes.   Money for which they have already worked and paid tax upon, in their working lifetime.

    +2  Views: 1264 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    Hi Cammy good question

    8 Answers

    He's an officer in the Royal Air Force, he dosn't need to.  --- royalty now pay taxes like every one else.

    Well you said on another thread you are ex RAF. Did you pay for your training?

    You appear to have a bee in your bonnet about Prince William, may I ask why?
    That hurt what has royalty done to you. They bring income from abroad not many country"s have royalty.Prince William is a down to earth guy very well liked by the people.

    All servicemen and women in Britain are paid for by the British taxpayer, whether thay are other ranks or commisioned officers. Why then should PrinceWilliam re pay monies for his training. What YOU are implying is in itself double standards. The British forces pride themselves as treating all walks of life the same - be it a Prince or an everyday man off the street. I well know this for fact being involved in military training for many years. As on anther post, i can tell you his brother Prince Harry has served on active service in Afganistan - not doing a desk job -  but on patrol and as a forward air conrtoller (FAC) alongside his men from all walks of life on the action side of things in the Blue & Royals. As far as Prince William goes as an RAF pilot for search and rescue, it is well documented that along with his crew they have been responsible for saving many lives. And as a footnote here - it is NOT the Royal family that decides on war - it is the polititions. The Royal family has had no say on political matters since the time of Oliver Cromwell in the 1660s.      


    A good reply, Maz.

    For myself, I'm deeply suspicious of all the propaganda and ballyhoo attaching to the royals. We are all expected to idolise them -well I don't.

    You mention Oliver Cromwell. One of his most famous utterings was "Be gone! For all the good you are doing....begone! ! !"

    It seems to me that that instruction could be applied to the royals. All of them.

    But Maz; I don't agree with you, but you DO write a good letter. Other answerers could do well to copy you.


    Hi Cammy, thanks for your reply. Well life would be boring if we all thought the same and had the same views! For interest where did you serve in the RAF? Oh and love the quote of old Oliver Cromwell. Yes he certainly changed the way things were done. I very often wonder what life would be like now in the UK without the major changes that took place. Interesting subject History.

    very well said Maz a TU fot that

    Isn't he still in the RAF?


    Yes - search & rescue.

    Maz, I think that would be a really cool job to have. Could you imagine being rescued by a prince? I guess they put him there because of it being not so dangerous?

    Well Yvonne many have been rescued by Prince William, and have been totally unaware that the pilot flying them to Hostpital is the future King of England.
    I know were you are coming from,at first i thought you where Scottish"But you said English? What happend to British elderly?I should be more "Bitter than you through royalty(English we were a Catholic country and happy.The English King being Protestant" and would not tolerate.THat"s when the Jaobite uprising started. I also did my National Service 1956 as you said, served Near choice Compulsory"My point is iam not bitter cant change thing"s now any life is to short.

    He is at the moment working as a Sea King pilot with search & rescue. A very important role with the RAF / RN saving lives.  His training like all British servicemen & women is paramount for the well being of this Country & indeed world peace. Taxpayers money well spent!!! 


    Thanks for the thumbs up - I have always thought that your country was running quite smoothly and that everyone liked the Queen. Rather have a Queen than an Obama.

    I notice that not one of the answerers has addressed the point I made that this country charges old people for their accommodation in old folks homes, while William gets his pilot training paid for by the tax-payer.

    It is very doubtful if the RAF (ie the taxpayer) will get value out of this man's very expensive  training.  How can he truly be a serving RAF pilot, swanning around on his honeymoon tour in Canada and the USA, when other RAF pilots are facing daily danger in Afghanistan? 

    On the subject of my own RAF service; I was not an officer, I was a National Service Other Ranker.  National Service was COMPULSORY.   "Peoplelove" asks what training the RAF gave me. I received no training fact the RAF stole two years out of my life , and  gained the benefit of my civilian skills and used me for two years for a derisory few quid a week.  After two years of theft of one's time, National Servicemen received no thanks whatsoever from the country.  

    Many 18 year old National Service men died in action propping up the Royal Family.  At that time 18 year olds had no right to vote, could not sign credit agreements, could not rent their own accommodation.  In fact and  in law they were children., without any legal rights whatsoever.

    As to having a "Bee In my Bonnet" about Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, no doubt Earl of This, Lord That, Viscount whatsoever, heir to the throne of the United Kingdom and The British Empire, yes I DO.  I certainly DO and make no apology for that.   

    No amount of cleverly manipulated publicity "spin" about their marriage can conceal the fact that those two represent the disgusting inequality of Royalty versus the rest of us .  They are unelected , their popularity is very dubious.  And the fact that William got his  pilot's wings and RAF officer  rank very quickly at a time when 100 other trainee pilots got the sack should point up that inequality.

    The whole point of my rant is that Royalty should be abolished in an adult, democratic society.  No need for guillotines or public executions.   A civilised way to do this would be for Parliament to decree that the whole institution should end upon the death of our present Queen.

    By common agreement she has done a good job of being Queen.

    But then HOW HARD CAN IT BE?   


    Hi Cammy you havr made a very good point and taken I can understand totally where you are coming from yes I do think the Royalty is old hat now and it does make me mad of how much they are worth and what you are saying about the old people RE: housing ect and you made a good point that these poor old souls fought for thier Country But the other point I would like to make is that the Royals do bring in a hell of lot of money into this Country very good question

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