    For all members, please send a report to the admins to reinstate any karma you lost do to Harry Crumb gioing on a karma attack rampage.

    The administrators will give you back the karma you lost. Use the contact button at the bottom of the page and send a request to have the total amount returned to you.

    Harry hit a lot of people so make sure you all check your karma updates. Since Harry had an issue with the way I moderate, I'm leaving the decision to the admin as to what to do with him. So until they are around to check into it, he will continue to have his account. I am not unfair. I tried to give Harry chances.

    +4  Views: 495 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    thanks colleen karmas not everything but when you bust your but only to get a ....... like that it pisses you off

    I know Daren. The administrators understand the importance of karma too. If they didn't, they wouldn't have the system in place. Just so you know, he hit me too.

    just when i rose above leeroy if you can beleive that. i'm sure it will be a short lived victory, he must be on a tuna melt
    Thank you Colleen, like I said before - you don't mess around do you girl!:)

    I'm learning what/who to look for as I go along.

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