    What was the last correspondence you got from your government?

    I got a notice informing me of my great 1.5% raise!

    +5  Views: 1503 Answers: 6 Posted: 9 years ago

    6 Answers

    I get emails from "them" all the time.

    Something to do with the General election this year may be the reason.

    My communication was also about my big raise!

    I got a notice that the petition I sent them 5 years ago to bring my wife's family here to this country still has no slots (openings), and that they are currently working on petitions submitted in 1993.

    At the same time millions of illegals are allowed to stay here and live off taxpayer's money. It really pays to do things honestly!!!


    Disgusting, I know what you mean! Illegals seem to have it made! :(

    That they may have a refedom in 2007,lets get out now of the E/U and let the Germans rule the roast,as they always strive to do,

    In Canada ... got a notice that I missed the deadline for my application for hardship relief ... on my student loan that was supposed to be a grant until satan [the pm] decreed that all grants become loans provincially ... and right in the middle of my studies too ... arrrgh!

    Like Jh, I got a notice that they're giving us older folks a raise in our social security check. of  1.7%   Whoop de do. But, I guess it's better than nothing. It'll be swallowed by food prices constantly raising at the store.


    up the pensioners,m,c,m.

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