12 Answers
I think your job is to find out where you can contribute and ease the lives of others who you meet on the long road. The occupation part is to hopefully find the job to which you’re most suited.
Welcome to akaQA, ronald. You asked a good question but it wasn’t an easy one. Keep asking!
11 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
A (rather pessimistic) friend of mine always says... "Life's a beach and then you die"!!! We just laugh at her now, because she says it (not to their face) every time someone has a problem.
11 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
11 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
You're riding high in April, shot down in May! http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=thats+life+sinatra&mid=A7D0770414096DD2662DA7D0770414096DD2662D&view=detail&FORM=VIRE7&adlt=strict
11 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
The Universe creates human beings in order to experience itself. That is "the meaning of life"
When we understand that, we also understand that the universe is basically a good environement. It is our, the humans, ignorance that makes it a bad. That is not the responsibility of the Universe. The Universe loves you. It loves itself. Love is fundamental
When we understand all that, we start to see the universe as a creator environment.
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Do we get paid for it? Yes. By success events when we do the right stuff, accidents when we do wrong. But some are aimed to be "victims" for a reason. They teach us.
Do we have to be this many of us?
We decide such things. Because the basic rule of universe is: Free will.
You may not impose YOUR will onto others. But - if you do not control your population size, you will have disaster. So start with that problem.
You are all the same. You bleed the same, think the same, but you have all different experiences, out of your different talents. All experiences are of the same value. Your own experience is invaluable for others. So share it wisely.
To end this text, I want to remind you of th great question of balance: Water.
You get water in 3 forms. You should find out what size each form should have.
Until you manage that, you will have big problems.
Becase of overpopulation, you affect the water balance of your planet.
Meaning: Control population. Control of water balance will adjust itself.
When your population size is in the harmonic range, it will not affect the water balance.
Go in peace. Never hurt yourselves. That means means never hurt any of your mirror images. You are all the same soul. Love yourself.
Best regards,
The Universe.
11 years ago. Rating: 0 | |