    I have recently become the President of a complex of eleven buildings. Each building is responsible for its own service requirements but may if they choose to combine with any of the other blocks/buildings to obtain more favourable charges for some of their service needs. My question is, In a block of six apartments is there any reason why an owner of one of those apartments can not accept the responsibility of cleaning the limited community areas, entrance and stairs to three levels. He is

    I have recently become the President of a complex of eleven buildings. Each building is responsible for its own service requirements but may if they choose to combine with any of the other blocks/buildings to obtain more favourable charges for some of their service needs. My question is, In a block of six apartments is there any reason why an owner of one of those apartments can not accept the responsibility of cleaning the limited community areas, entrance and stairs, to three levels. He is a self employed restaurant owner paying his Social Security.  He has volunteered to do the cleaning but is there any reason why we can not pay him for his work.?

    0  Views: 492 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    1 Answer

    Sounds like a conflict of interest.  Maybe you should hire it outside the complex,  to be safe.  And what happens when someone else complains that they want to get paid to do something?  It may open a can of worms that you wished you had not...

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