10 Answers
do you find long, blonde, hairs on his shoulder, or on his pillow, or in his car ? Do you smell a woman's colonge on him,or in his car ? Do you call him real early at work, only to have him say, ' ' Hi, ___________ ! " ( fill in the name of another woman ) ---instead of your name.
12 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
javi- we have a gut instinct for a purpose. But jealousy can block our gut instincts. Sometimes pulling back from both your gut and you jealousy and looking at the facts (not guesses) will bring out the truth.
Bob did this. Bob said this. NOT Bob could of/should have done this or said that and NOT Bob usually says this and does that.
12 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
The problem is you always let him be banker , time to change games..
My sister tells her friends to check their partners underware... if we are talking that cheating?
12 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
Im sure we can always bank on you Doo :)