    I want to thank all of you for being such good friends.

    I got some not so good news from my doctor. I have to spend spend time with the old lady and the family. Hope to see you later, not sooner. They say time doesn't exist there.

    +18  Views: 2616 Answers: 28 Posted: 12 years ago

    We all love you ed you like crazy man...keep your chin up and keep smilin' brother...Peace.Peace. Peace.

    Sorry to hear that ed!...just stay strong...i only came back a day ago and your missing presence was noted!!...just big hugs and take care of YOURSELF too!:-¬ Xxxmillie

    28 Answers

    Oh my goodness Ed.  I truly hope all things turn out well.  Some type of mistake?

    Best wishes and lots of love.  xoxo Fishie.

    I also want to thank you for being a good friend.  You truly are a gem.

    Ed- Thank you for being a good friend to us!!!!!  Peace, Love, and Prayers to You!!!!!!!!!!  it will be an honor to meet you later!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh no!  Ed...this doesn't sound too good.  I wish you the very best and get back here as soon as you can, okay?  My thoughts and prayers to you and your family.    ((hug))

    You're damn straight we'll see you later brother...Peace and Love pouring to you...sweet honest man.

    Oh no!  I hate reading things like this.  As Colleen says, 'Doctors have been proven wrong many times.' I have a dear friend that doctor said she had only a couple years, that was 9 years ago.  My thoughts to you. And prayers of course.

    Doctors have been proven wrong many times. People have outlived a doctor's guess years beyond the guess. Being only for your family is the best thing right now. Their love gives you and your body energy. There is healing in love. 

    May the blessings be. 

    But I love you @ed shank.... Chin up and keep looking forward and upward, one foot in front of the other.....

    Ed, sorry about your sickness. Chin up, doctors are oftern wrong with their diagnosis. Hope to see you on this site again, not up there.

    You and yours are in my mind, and thoughts of only good outcome abound!  The power of a collective mind is amazing and indescribable!  Best to you, always............

    Family first Ed. Good luck mate.

    Good luck.  I know you'll prevail over any obstacles ahead of you.  I'll still be here to try to entertain you.

    Ed, We'll pray for whatever bad news you got. Come back and visit us soon. We'll miss you.

    Ed.....So sorry to hear this, please stay positive.Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.Take it easy my friend.

    It takes a friend to be a friend, my thoughts and prayers are with you Ed.I hope we hear from you sooner rather than later either way do what the doc says and get yourself in check.

    Ed, that can,t be. I am in total schock. Hopefully you will get a second Opinion. Sending you love and light and prayer to you and your family. I always love your honesty and moral compass. Take care, my friend, I love you.  (hugs)


    Been,seen,done Ann,I've won every battle.
    Everyone has their time.
    The point is not to suffer.

    Romos, I am sad and it hurts to see someone like you and Ed and others on this site to go through so much.All I can do is pray for all of you. xxx

    Ed:  Good luck, God bless and make every moment count!  Enjoy your family!

    Sorry I missed this ed, I am going through a bit of a medical mystery tour myself.

    My positive thoughts have got me through it before.

    I'm forwarding some of them to you and yours.



    R.... (( hug ))

    R ... ((hug)) from the Fishie too!

    So much bad news in one day. Hope and pray you will be alright. Much love. (hug).

    Best luck to you too Majesty.

    Best Wishes to you and your family!

    Best wishes from me Ed!


    Thank you v.

    Jean-Paul, I will miss you so much while you are gone and sincerely hope your absence will be very short because healing will be quick and thorough.  Know you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.  Love ya.  Bob/PKB

    Sorry I am late Ed, been in hospital, I know it's hard to stay positive, allow your family to look after you, enjoy being with them, we will miss you, hope to see you again my friend xx


    Hope you feel alright. God bless.

    glad you're better now, Lamb

    one more op to go next month, hopefully the end of hospital for awhile, thanks

    Blessings for Healing, for you, in abundance.

    Prayers and love your way Ed, Looking forward to your return, x

    May God be with you and make you well again , All my blessing to you Ed! So sorry about the bad news, may you get well soon ," My friend" big (( Hug)).


    Sorry to hear your not  keeping well .my best wishes .hope your health improves love to your "family We need you here "Ed.

    <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 

    itsmee thinks you’re so special. A friend. A leader. A laugher A teacher. itsmee thinks you’re special & kind & that you must have a wonderful wife, Be Well, man.  Until we all meet again.

    Hi Ed’s wife. Write back to us if Ed isn’t able to right now. We are family too.  The designs above are hearts.    itsmee

    Ed, although I do not really know you hardly at all, Warmest regards for your health and happiness with your family.  You undoubtedly have made quite an favorable impact  on the aka community!  You are in thoughts and prayers for a recovery! 

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