    What could you be doing if your weren't on akaqa?

    Me? I could be reading one of three books I bought............

    +16  Views: 2037 Answers: 29 Posted: 12 years ago

    great picture!

    29 Answers

    Finish knitting and crochet projects  and many other things.

    Reading, walking, cooking, laundry, vacuuming...oh well, it can wait a minute!   lol

    there are loads of movies i have recoreded cant be bother to watch them having far too much fun on here!

    Sorry J, this page wouldn,t be big enough for the list. If you listen to fish fry washing my underwear is not on this


    You are a skirt wearing no underwear man. Nothing for me to do ........... except ..... Oh here we go again ..... Hail Hail KOTF!

    We could be dancing in Paris dear.


    "OH Robert didn"t think you cared!!lol

    Robert- I'd love too! May my cat come dancing too?

    Yes it can "Catnap" while we are "Dancing lol

    You reminded me of all I need to do, THANKS............     by by.....

    "OH playing my Music Love country ballads bit of Rock Roll singing along with my songs don't care much for television. Love walking on the dry and cool nights along the Sea front watching the "Tide coming in or out .Sunset is great shinning down on the water Sea calm lean over the sea wall and see the small fish swimming by.Soft breeze touching my face feels good .Get home open front door "feel my skin tinkle "What a feeling .Make a cup of Tea for my wife and I Then go to Bed round eleven O"Clock "Sleep like a Baby .Wake up in the morning "sucking My "Thumb"like a Baby.


    Wish l was there.

    Sorry Lewboy "Woman only" or guys wearing a "Kilt"

    Probably driving to/from the Gold Coast.It's Sunday here.

    Gotta go build a railroad,  see ya.

    Answering an email from a friend who thinks my questions lately have been off the wall but she still votes them up in spite of better judgement.... that friend shall remain nameless.






















    yeah,well you're not gettin'2TUs LOL

    What's with the big gap FF?

    You have to find your way to the end of the arrow Chain.

    I think this is space for more water...ff needs room to swim...she's been cooped up in that bowl for a long time, you know! :)

    It is for swimming.... and follow the dots.

    Great photo -- A Snowman in a blizzard. lol.

    Ha! Good one BM!

    1.  Walking the dog.
    2.   Working out at the gym, or swimming
    3.   Riding my bike with a friend
    4.   Bowling
    5.   Finishing up the yard work
    6.   Straightening up the house, including cleaning.
    7.   Laundry, including ironing, folding, putting away, and hand washables (NOT bras)
    8.   Writing to my son
    9.   Doing a craft (jewelry making, crocheting, painting, etc.)
    10. Reading
    11. Go to a movie
    12. Visit a friend
    13. Spend time with my mom, son(s), granddaughters
    14. Finish some tax work I promised to do two weeks ago.
    15. Sudoku, Jumbles, Banangrams, Ken Ken, Crossword puzzles
    16. Talk on the telephone
    17. Bake some cookies or prepare a decent meal.
    18. Go to one of the local casinos and lose some money.


    Guess you can't think of anything off the top of your head? LOL!!!


    We're so honored you chose the 19th Option, although #s 11 &17 sound like a good choice as well.

    I actually did #11 today after work. "Man On A Ledge". Not bad. If you ever are in Fresno, Chiangmai, it would be an honor to perform #17 for you and yours.

    I, for one, am glad you didn't choose #18... You do realise that Casinos are set up for gamblers to loose... cookies make people happy!

    Fish Fry: Absolutely get that. I deal 21 sometimes and dealer always wipes out everyone eventually. IF I go, it's with a friend, never my idea, and I take $40 (and play the penny machines).
    Cookies do sound good. Wednesday morning, so it shall be!

    Paying more attention to what's on TV, surfing the web, or playing solitaire.


    This is more fun though, right? :)

    Panning for gold in the Klondike....


    Pick me up on the way...

    No problem i'm going to need a relief driver..

    Answering some of my Pen Pal letters.

    Dishes, washining, mowing, vacuuming, cleaning the fridge, washing the dog, dusting, screaming, swearing and the list goes on. So I'll just stay here for now.

    What books did you buy,JH?


    CRYPTONOMICON by Newl Stevenson, THE MEANING OF NIGHT by Michael Cox, and 11/22/63 by Steven King. I've started the last and am 6 pages into it and it's been 2 weeks.....


    Probably wasting my time.


    Glad you think this isn't!? haha

    Good beer,good companyand good music,what more coukd any man need or want??.


    I'd be watching Criminal Minds on ION Television, or some Storage Wars program.


    Answering some of my Pen Pal letters.

    I could be sleep. It's 2:55 in the morning where I'm at.  I woke up and wanted to look up something on the computer and what did I also do . . . get on akaqa.  Good night.

    I'd be reading, reading, and reading. I really love to read. I'd read anything.


    I love to read and get absorbed into a good book BUT reading is the best sleeping pill I can take. I would like to find a kindle with a heater in it so when I go to sleep it can keep me warm.

    housework, I'm on leave, or something else inane like the washing, I'd rather be here



    Please- shower soon! LOL

    What else to do, Doo? Oops...just talking to myself again-lol  Hmmm, I could be learning armadillo slang...but my armadillo is in Texas visiting relatives. Chores- nah...Iv'e always said if someone broke in to take suff they'd leave the dirty clothes & dishes and the bills- so, I'd have something to wear, something to eat off of, and something to do!!!

    I love this site!  I am doing something I enjoy right now!


    You are awesome! Does your armadillo teach long distance students?

    Fishy- anything for you!

    Reading Dirty Deeds by Mark Evans,  ex  member of AC/DC.


    Is it any good? My husband likes that band.

    bulletman~You don’t like AC/DC anymore? How come?
    Is that
    Dirty Deeds done dirt cheap?

    Itsmee, i love the music of one of the great bands of the world AC/DC, i don't know why you thought i didn't. The title of the book derives from the song ''Dirty Deeds done Cheap".

    I'm a bit late with an answer, FISH, your Husband would enjoy the book, an inside look at AC/DC. -- Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll. :)

    Glad you like AC/DC. So do I! I’m not sure why I wrote what I wrote. It may have been the hour ~ 3 AM. I’m always up prowling around into wee hours.

    sudoku or reading

    something useful. ha


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