    Who likes birds?

    what sort?

    +6  Views: 1507 Answers: 19 Posted: 13 years ago

    19 Answers

    Do I like birds???!!! LOL 









    Cage units custom built by my brother.




    Holy scrap what a nice aviary you have!!!!

    I believe in birds being able to fly. I let them out to fly too but they have plenty of room in their cages to fly also. :)

    Thanks Colleen, beautiful birds, must be lovely, when they sing, thoes that do.

    So Colleen, is that a "yes"? lol

    LOL...I think I'm pretty much on the side of liking birds.

    you do have some beautiful birds. i love birds. i bet you house is filled with their singing. do they sing along with the radio? my parakeets do. i love it!

    I have conures, my house is filled with screeching, lol

    Beautiful homes for birds.

    An amazing display of cages. Your birds must be very happy there. Beautiful birds. .

    Ilike them all.

    I like all birds, I found an injured cookle headed swamp pheasant  a couple of months ago, sat in the car with it for hours waiting for the wildlife people to meet me, it lived and was returned to the place it lived,really made me happy.

    I do.. especialy humming birds although i don't see them as much as i like..


    humming birds are with it, they are true survivors.

    Colleen they are lovely I love Bean he looks a carractor! and yes I love birds to answer the question I was only aloud a budgie when I was a child and his name was Fred and I loved him to bits I use to have him out of the cage every day and he use to sit on my shoulder for ages  


    Lucky "You "ME My wife bought a "Monkey said it was the only look a like.MEL you have not said anything to JOSIE.

    dowsa you are a bad boy I will tell Josie if you dont behave! heeeeee

    Bean is my baby boy. My brother named him because he said he's the color of a lima bean. He gets to visit Ruby and Kita in their cage during the day but they don't like him to sleep in their cage so he has to go back in his cage at night. He was the last bird I bought only because the girl at the pet shop insisted I needed to have him. She even lowered the price for him so I would buy him. She absolutely loved him and wanted to make sure he went to a good home. I typically do not buy a single bird unless I have a bird to put them with. So Bean is my odd man out but thankfully Ruby and Kita don't mind him visiting during the daytime. He has his cuddle buddy in his bird hutch so he's all set for nighttime :) He's a good little bird and makes purring noises when you talk to him. He has only learned how to say hello and night,night (which sounds more like nighnigh) so far and the rest is gibberish as he tries to mimic the sound of a full sentence.

    Colleen I new he was a special baby the lady in the shop knew he had to go to a good home and spotted you as a very good Mom... my bird Freddie spoke as well he said goodmorning (wether it was morning of night) and screech at me to let him out of the age and then he just sat on my shoulder most of the time and if any one came in the house he would swoop on them and thought this was great game for him I love Bean oxoxo

    We have a lot of Canada Geese around here. We are close to the southern tip of Ontario.....Across the river from Windsor


    Canada geese are as far south as the Carolinas too...thousands of them!

    25 chickens presently and more in the spring. Presently we have lots of wild birds here and many different varieties. Very few ducks and geese which is very sad to me. I remember flocks of geese and ducks that would fill the shies both with their numbers and their calls every spring and fall. That we let these creatures decline by mans war with nature is a sad crime we have allowed.

          Thank you so much for sharing your avery with us. Lovely birds to care for, feathered friends.

    Me for one

    The ones that wear mini skirts " The Blackbird for its singing love songs the Robin a lonely bird but cute red breast.

    I have a bird house in the back of my yard, and every summer swallow come and have their babies, and one day a big grow came a grab one of the baby when it stuck it head out to feed, well mama & papa chase that big grow, well you know the end.

    I like almost all birds. I feed them in winter and summer. One bird I dislike is a cowbird. They lay their eggs in smaller birds nests and the smaller parents have to work very hard to feed the cowbird. The cow bird will toss the other birds out of the nest to perish

    cooked mostly

    How cool is all of that but I do not know how you can remember all their names.

    Me flying ones as well as human ones

    All types! bird brains, birds of a feather, bye bye birdie......................(.thunk 2x4 to the head) they've ruined me ! Those horrid doctors tried to take the doo right out of me!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I love all birds!

    I love birds... They are so much smarter than some people gives them credit for. I grew up with cockateils and parrots and as a child learned how they behave towards different things food, etc..

    I have had a cockatoo, an African grey parrot and several cockateils, as well as several small parrots including quakers and conyers etc.. I just love most birds. I have feeders set up in the front yard and backyard to attract the humming birds, which are really cool.  I think that they are one of the most interesting animals to watch, not to mention there are so many different varieties out there.

    Feathered and human, fond of them all.

    I was down the local park with my mate "INCA" the wonder dog tday and I saw butcher birds. crested pigeons, galahs, rainbow lorrakets and the creme de le creme scrub turkeys wit their young.

    I though "I should bring a camera and share this with AKAers."


    Yes you should. I would love to see the pictures, especially now that you are the picture master!

    I love birds,I`ve had sveral parakeets,Sam,Fred,Snowflake,a green parakeet. My cat ate Fred. Eagles are so beautiful. Goldfinches eat at our bird feeder.

    Peacock ""

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