    Can we all be at least nice and not argue for at least 1 whole week?

    +12  Views: 1984 Answers: 29 Posted: 13 years ago

    29 Answers



    Good picture!

    I want that icon ,please how do I get that one . Now next question can it be expanded to page size ,then compressed and sent email. Then when its opened expand to screen size . I have some ideas for this thanks . Bill

    I don't think it can be enlarged. I'll see if I can find a bigger one, maybe not this one but one just as funny. Here's the link for it

    "Spot on!"

    Ha ha. I wish I could paint stuff like you do. This one is reallllly funny.

    lets go two weeks.. my mother always said 'if you can't say something nice about someone come sit next to me"..""


    Did she have a lot of friends? (Yes, I knew what you meant!)

    I alway stry to stay away from arguing, 


    you're nice, Ann

    Ann you are always nice.



    Eggy: Where in the hell do you get these ???

    They are hilarious !!!!!

    There are some who do not like them. Maybe it's sour grapes. Glad you liked it. You can get them on the net under animated figures.

    Egg, How do you transfer those animated figures to akaQA ?

    To my catsmom, when you find a picture on the net that you like, right click on the mouse. Then click on 'save picture as'. Then a 'save picture' box will open up, click on 'save in' and give the picture a name before saving it. I have all mine saved to a USB, but you can save in your computer as well.

    If a difference of opinion, value, or belief is arguing, your request isn't going to last 30 seconds. If you mean being respectful of others' opinions, values, and beliefs in spite of not agreeing with them, your request may survive 3-5 minutes, depending on who is on the site at any given time.  
    My dad always said, "It takes two to fight and the smarter one shuts up."   When in a disagreement here, I tend to leave the last word to the other party.  Ahem. 

     Laughing 1  Who Me Never!!!! Yea I will Be nice arnt I always!!!!!!!!!

    Sure!!!! I will be nice.. Only cause Santa is watching.... LOL

    Well I will be nice if you are not some Dumb ass at a bar trying to pick me up.. Then I am a little... ummmm... NOT nice.


    What about if I try to pick you up Jenn?
    Would you be "nice" to me.

    Lovebug.. I am heavier than I look.. But i would never be mean to my sweet lovebug!

    Who's arguing? Not me................


    not me, either .....

    Not me either...well, not right at this moment. lol

    Wouldn't argue with that.

    Very doable. As long as some smart ass doesn't make fun of my cap with fuzzy antlers on it.


    I myself would love to see your cap with the fuzzy antlers I like that kind of stuff.....

    What  get along for a week  , Haa  How Dare you  What on  earth would the  politicians   say to that.  Absurd  totally absurd.   LOL  just kidding

    Count me in . Cant say anything good ,Say nothing at all . It shall be as you wish .

    As long as no one tries to question or slam my believes.............

    However I'm always nice.



    I do still have to moderate however. I hope you see the difference and not take it as a personal attack when asked to leave religion at the door on non religious questions. ;)
    Headless Man

    Not on Christ-mas
    Headless Man

    I can wait until after the new year, I

    I promise,  I really really will be nice


    Lambshank, I tried to give you directions to Wollongong the other day, but the site was playing up and refused to put it. And then it disappeared for some time. Did you get directions?

    You talkin' to me??


    Tommyh not talking or pointing out anyone in particular just saying would it not be nice if we could try and do that and encourage each other that kind of thing not aimed at anyone.

    I forgot to add LOL.Just quoting Robert diNiro

    We seem to think that everybody is the same inside,and then get tangle in each other hair,and wear right back to start. However we could have a test run or at lease have a tried at it,with a bit of effort.

    Only to nice people, but when somebody deserves to be put down , i will do it.  Like colleen's new friend.  Thats just not right.


    You have no idea how many posts like that appear here. I usually just remove them. Some people do not like a moderator. It's like being a teacher in a classroom. Even the teacher can not please all the children. Some will love her, some will like her and some will hate her. I can bet there are members here who read those messages from the troll and silently agreed with him. I know some members here DO think I'm mean and a b!tch. No matter, some will like me, some will hate me, I expect that. I'm not going anywhere until I decide it's time to move on. No troll is going to make me leave. LOL

    I did not get to see all that but I heard about it found it very disgusting that someone can be that horrid and awful to anyone much less to people they do not even have a clue about them. That is uncalled for and I hope it gets reported to the right place or if I can find any of it I will report it to whomever necessary stuff like that is uncalled for, threatening, threats are illegal, cyber stalking and cyber bullying is illegal and the list goes on and on. I do not like that and I will try to find out whom all to report things of this nature to if it takes me a lifetime. That is totally uncalled for, and they are nothing but scumbags and need to be taken off internets completely barred for life and their computer systems confiscated.

    who's Colleen's new friend ?

    Well ,ok, wouldnt call new friend, maybe new problem or idiot. Hope that problem is gone though.

    Some could start an argument in an empty room. Not me. I am so nice. ha


    Yes, you look pretty relaxed.

    I'll Be Good!



    Put some clothes on then. ;)

    But, but, since when is nudity not good?

    Since my last trip to the hairdresser, my hair is not as blond, but the wings are the same. I photo-shopped my body down about 30 lbs!

    It takes alot of effort to be nice, (for some people)but I think we could do it.

     (1)   Can't we all get along and not argue for a week?   NO WE CANNOT!!!

     (2)   Colleen's new "friend" was a troll and has been SHOT DEAD!!!




    Good glad someone shot him LOL

    I'm going for a life time,too passive at times but I think I'am a nice person.


    You are indeed.

    I assume you're referring to--- about 2 days ago, Colleen and Ed were going at it, b/c he told somebody they should pray to God.  It was a discussion about God, I guess, unless it was about something else and digressed into God.


    No, it has nothing to do with that and you really shouldn't assume and give false information. Ed and I were not having a "go at it". I'll let Darci tell you what this is about if she wants to but it has nothing to do with me or Ed or anyone that I know of really. Really, why would you even go here like this?

    Sometimes it's best to say nothing at all rather than make things up. Ed Shank and I are buddies just so you know.

    You would do well to not assume it was not based on anything but my being sad that the world and the people in it cannot get along better and help each other better when and if they can even just encouragement helps lift someone up to where they feel that yes they might be able to do something if they just had a push in the right direction. Was not based on any arguments with anyone or among anyone just would like to see the site lean more toward encouragement of each other is all I have not a clue what you are referring to with Ed and Colleen my post had nothing to do with any body in here in particular it was the world in general.

    YEAH! C'mon,it's Christmas.

    ""I'm serious...


    Eggie you will not do LOL!!!!!!

    Is the week up yet?

    I am going through withdrawal, hands shaking, drool running out of the corner of my mouth.  "EH! what`s that my hands always shake and drool run out of the corner of my mouth"

    How`s that "If I was level headed the drool would run out both sides of my mouth not just one side" Could be right there.

    Winfia you look lovely in  the "altogether" so you stay as sweet as you are.

    Blimey my hand is shanking worse than ever.


    Hi sweetheart yes the week is up lets go for it heeeee oxoxoxoxo

    Nah thinking about trying to drag another week out of you peoplelover see how long you can last LOL


    "Why I like fighting with our "Mods makes my day and night .Its a change from the "Wife.You "want a fight "Darci 13. I stood up to ALI "then he knocked me down .


    Perhaps you should have stayed down then? LOL

    I did twenty years later ,then my mother-in-law hit me out for six months .Said I was cheating on her "Daughter.

    Hi Dowsa, I heard your mother law is not mad anymore and wants to meve in. Isn't starting to seem a lot like Christmas!!!!

    Yes OO7 she is the "Fairy "COD-mother.Something "fishy about her.

    It's been 6 days already, can't we cut this one day short............?               LOL


    Nah gonna try and see how long Peoplelover can hold on he said his hands are shaking, nerves going, etc. LOL

    You are funny, poor @Peoplelover.......



    How old are you? You're acting like you're 8 yrs old here.

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