    Do you believe Bible prophecies have come true.......

    It can now be shown conclusively that Daniel, a prophet in the Hebrew Scriptures, prophesied the coming of Islam 1200 years before Muhammad was born. Those same scriptures prophesied the crucifixion of Messiah over 500 years before Jesus was born. John, another Bible prophet, foresaw the new nation of Israel 1800 years before it was established. John then prophesied that Jerusalem would be freed of Islamic control by 1967.

    +5  Views: 2124 Answers: 24 Posted: 13 years ago
    Headless Man

    Just read the link above......
    I need to be more clear go to Books&Essays and read The False Prophet, it's free.

    I'll check out your link. I do believe in the prophecies. What is written is written and cannot be disputed, except for belief or faith in the belief.

    24 Answers


    Headless Man

    Thank you for your answer.

    yes indeed ... in fact i'm willing to bet all eternity on it...

    Why is the truth so hard to believe?

    If you don't believe, check out the link at the top.

    I believe the Bible is 100% right.


    You're entitled to your beliefs.
    Headless Man

    Thank God for that, and you are as well.
    However I will give proof of mine, will you?

    Randy this last comment to Colleen sounds a little hostile. You may be the only Bible that some ever read... Show the love of Christ....
    Headless Man

    I don't in any way mean to be hostile, only helpful.

    Hope is a beautiful thing

    My proof will come when the time is right. There is a book that predates the bible. The time is not right for it yet however. Have patience.
    Headless Man

    There are several books that predates the bible, but written by man and not inspired by God.

    hahahahaha!! you try so hard.
    Headless Man

    It's not funny, the Bible talks of people that has eyes but can not see and ears but will not hear.

    Yes and some of those people follow the bible.
    Headless Man

    So true "some" can't.

    Yes or No, would be ok?



    Thanks, tita1, I think you know the bible well, if you have the time to read the link above "False Prophet" and give me your feedback I would appreciate it very much, Randy

    I corrected the link above to make it more clear.

    Go to Books&Essays and read The False Prophet, it's free.


    A clipping from the link at the top that gives proof of the above statement, please read.

    I believe the book of Daniel that was to be sealed until the last days has been open for all to see, if we will.

    There is not one Prophecy in the Bible that has not come true. The same applies for all that still apply.

    Headless Man

    If you have read the link above, I believe you can see where thay all but one has come true, the return of Christ.

    My father is an ordained minister. He believes the prophecies and says we're down to the 10 toes of Colosus. Actually, I think the world is coming to an end. It was inevatable for this to come about. Prophecies state " brother against brother " .... Maybe the wars in the Middle East? AntiChrist? Hmmm... now I wonder who that might be? False prophets... Wow, doesn't the Morman Church have prophets, like Joeseph Smith, Brigham Young... Who knows! Maybe I've been wrong about the faith I'm in . I do believe in a greater power and don't think mankind here will be shown much mercy.

    I refuse to cast judgement on others and their beliefs. There are so many different beliefs and faiths that it is confusing... when all state they are the true Church of God. I hope that believing will be enough for some, but living the word is the only key to eternal life.

    Headless Man

    I think you should read the link at the top "False Prophet"
    it opened my mind as too other end time stories.

    ""Bull! Did it also foretell how they are murdering to keep their territory? Most of them are not real jews, they are from Russia.

    Headless Man

    I get real sick of your sick Santa, and why must you comment when you won't read the link?
    Who said anything about anybody murdering?

    I did, and the more you put on drivel, Bad Santa will be smiling and smoking. He likes your writing.
    Headless Man

    Good hope this makes your day.
    Guess you can't read?

    tita1, the Bible text you ask for is Daniel 12:11, this is referring to (abomination that causes desolation) the Dome of the Rock that was built by Muslims.

    Randy,did my time at the hands of the catholic schooling system maybe a little skeptical, i do however believe in myself and that man makes his own destiny.

    Headless Man

    I'm no catholic, but I've heard stories.

    To RandyP. That is great prediction about 1967 seeing as the Roman calender did not exist at the alleged time of prediction.

    Very smart people back then, pity the same does not apply today.

    Headless Man

    that was all taken into consideration and converted, smart people read before commenting.


    Headless Man

    Good read the link then it's for you.

    Randy your saying that the non existance of the calender being taken into consideration is nonsense, and I did read the link you suggested.

    It was so doing that stenghtened my belief that your people make up stories to suit the situation.

    Wild claims backed by your belief, mine are backed by facts.

    Headless Man

    A solar year is 365.24 days (Roman) the OT times was 360 day year (Hebrew). That was taken into consideration in making all these predictions.
    If you did read the link all 17 chapters you should know that.
    Facts from the Bible that prove it true.

    What proof, apart from "faith" do you have that the Bible stories are true?
    Who has authenticated it, no one except a lot of like minded peoples "faith"
    If a man told the courts of today all the alleged miracles he would be locked up.
    If I told a doctor I had been talking to God I would be referred to a specialist.

    May I suggest you consider reading
    "The Case for Faith" by Lee Stroebel. I found it objective and well-presented.
    Headless Man

    I believe the accuracy of it's predictions is what proves it , only the blind can't see that.

    This is a game of pin the tail on the donkey. lot of people milling around blind to the fact that all religions are a means of controlling the masses who believe in them.

    Ho! Hum!.I will probably know before any of you and if I am wrong I will come back and tell you. Honest I promise.

    Headless Man

    No you won't..... If you would read the link at the top you just might change your mine, if not (Free Will)

    Yes, obama is the anti-christ

    Headless Man

    No, but I can tell what is and it is a what.

    ""None of them are true. Some person made it up so dopes would believe them.

    Headless Man

    Talk about a closed mind. What would they gain by making up something that wasn't suppose to be under stood for over 2000 years later?

    seems like a lot are coming true.  scary.

    Headless Man

    True, but I find it exciting, I look forward to Christ return.

    All three of the prophecies made by His Holiness Jesus were fulfilled on the very date foretold in the Bible and also in the Koran and also by all the religions throughout the world - this includes the religions of the North, Central, and South American natives as well as the African villagers, the Maori of New Zealand, the Aborigine of Australia, the Buddhist, Zoroastrian, Chaldean, etc. religions of the whole world. The date May 23, 1844. ALL of the religions throughout all known time and the whole world agree on that date.

    If someone reads this, please be careful - the history of religions has been filled with religious leaders, individuals, religions institutions insisting that God has to do it my way or He along with all others who do not agree with me - they are all going to Hell because I have perfect, complete knowledge and my interpretation of scripture is the only correct interpretation, All those who do not completely agree with my interpretation are not going to be "saved." This page in the book of history has been repeated many times. Maybe the word "Resurrection" has some relationship to this historical repetition.

    Headless Man

    I'm talking about the prophecies made by Daniel over two thousand years ago.
    I'm not sure what Jesus prophecies you are talking about but the Koran was written well after his crucifixion, thats not hard to do, would like to see and read the others you are talking about.
    I looked up May 23, 1844, and found it interesting, but not convincing.

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