1 Answer
Good luck to you. Inbox is a beast to get rid of. These are the best instructions I could find on the internet.
Open your browser.
Go to the top address line in the browser; type the following.
You’ll get a big frightening window saying;
(This might void your warranty)(I’ll be careful. I promise.)
Click OK
You’ll see a lot of scary listings
At the top You will find a box saying FILTER; Type in KEYWORD
You will see a line that says Keyword.URL
Double click on Keyword.URL
You’ll get a window for keyword.URL Change to;
Press OK and you are done.
If You cannot get Firefox to bring up Google;
Open Firefox.
Click Restore to Default.
Still have a problem?
Make sure the top block says Show my home page.
Now enter the following
Click OK and you’re done.
Instructions found at http://forums.techarena.in/operating-systems/1186792.htm
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |