    Have you ever been a victim of police brutality, and if so, what action did you subsequently take?

    +8  Views: 846 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    good question xxx

    7 Answers

    i wouldn't say brutality so much, but i was a victim of their deceit  they have a way of twisting, actually downright  lieing on their reports ...when i went before the judge (traffic incident) it's my word against theirs .. who do you think the judge sided  with.well i have no doubt that most cops are guilty of the crimes they are sworn to protect us from..


    Thanks Daren, I will answer my question with some detail a little later in the month so stay tuned.

    I wouldn't say 'most cops are guilty', definitely 'some' cops are though. I agree that the system sometimes favors the cops but not in a situation I described in my post somewhere in this thread. Many years ago my son was attacked on school grounds, he needed to operations on his face to correct broken bones. I spoke to a cop at the hospital emergencey room that was actually pissed off because of what happened to my son, for no reason.. when i spoke to an attorney, he said I needed police transcripts and a report of the attack from the school.. Then he said 'good luck' getting that.. I went to the police department and they had no record of the call, I then went to the school, they too had no record of the incident, even though I ased the PD to call in officer XXX He came to the PD and denied even knowing me or talking to me at the Hospital.. I said that there must be a record of the call to the school.. all this was buried.. The school and the PD worked together on this to hide all evidence.
    There is much corruption in the system.. Still even though, I continue respecting the police officer as I am certain he was called in on this and was told what to say if I confronted him.. He was protecting his job.. sad but true..

    Good cops,bad cops,we all have them no matter where we live.But I think for the most part they do a good job where I live and I live in a rough town,I would rather have them than not.Have i've been pushed around by them?,sure but I probaby had it coming and what did I do about it?,nothing like I said I probaby had it coming,but that was so many years ago,not part of my life anymore...

    Yes, I have been a victim of police brutality.  I won't go into details because it is in the past and takes too long to explain, and I always write too much anyway.  It involved getting man-handled, tackled, and my arm being yanked up from behind me, tearing something in my shoulder area (I still have pain), followed by a ride to the county jail that was just plain wrong.
    What did I do?  I contacted the Sheriff's office and said I wanted to file a complaint.  In the office, I filled out the complaint form and was subsequently asked to come in for a taped interview.  My testimony didn't change one word from the written complaint. 
    What happened?  The charges of "assaulting an officer" vanished into thin air.  I don't know what happened to the poor excuse for a law enforcement officer.


    Hello Bob. Thank you for your interesting reply. I hope the pain you have is not permanent. My wife and I were both victims of police brutality and I will give details at a later date. Bye for now.

    Not to be contrary but what protection do cops have against the whining media and lowlifes that claim a victim of police action was a model person.. The cops was defending himself and now loses his job and/or goes to jail to appease these whiners.. I prefer the old days when if you were doing something dramatically wrong, a cop busted you over the head and you went to jail.. (period)

    Are all cops good??  No by no chance, maybe making employment on the PD a bit more difficult and not so PC would eliminate the thrill seekers and the power grabbers.

    A cop gets killed in the line of duty by a street thug, you hear about it one day on the news, a street thug gets killed by the police in self defense you hear about it for months..


    Thanks Vinny, see my comment to daren.

    I agree with you Vinny,they have to walk such a fine line now aday's with everyone being so sue happy,they can't hardly do the job without worrying about it coming back on them.

    Fortunately i havn't,but have heard some terrible things that police have done to people whilst in custody.


    Thanks python, see my comment to daren.

    Having grown up in a very mean town even by North East standards, the occasional throw down with the police was inevitable. I can't even begin where to start with this question. Having had a short fuse, big mouth, and extremely high most of the time, the police had no sense of humor when confronting me. Lost a few teeth, lots of skin, and much $$$. Did time for knocking one on his ass. Was worth every minute. I did get out of "DODGE" shortly thereafter.


    reading that comment are you from Newcastle by any chance as my hubbie is a geordie xxx

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