    Who's going to get 100,000 First?

     Colleen and IamPamela313  are now above 200,000, went form 100,000 in less than 2 months........WOW

    +7  Views: 1325 Answers: 18 Posted: 13 years ago
    Headless Man

    Now we need to start a 200000 club, will this ever end?

    no it will go and on and on and on and on OK I know im boring LOL

    18 Answers

    We proved that theory wrong, anything is possible. Look at us now.
    Randy are there going to be bets on this!
    Headless Man

    Sure I'll bet $1000, I don't know who will

    I think Leeroy will win what are the odds on that!
    Headless Man

    About 50/50

    count me in!

    how will the winner be paid?

    I was just going to ask that Pamela

    Maybe if someone actually won money for reaching 100,000 people would actually be racing? Lol.

    But we know that we just do this for the fun of it, and we all like helping people when we can.

    I remember when 20,000 was unbelievable.


    I think we get to many votes now, I liked it better when you had to count your votes and it took months to gain 10,000 karma points. Now you can gain over 20,000 in a week.
    Headless Man

    Maybe you, I can't remember a 20,000

    Hey Randy, It seems feasible to bet karma points. Open the bid?


    Sorry, had to shut someone down the other day for this same idea. The admin frown on the idea of giving away karma as a prize. They'd rather see it earned for the purpose it is intended ;)

    Actually it was a joke, seeing that Randy wanted to bet $1000.00, and there is no way possible to be paid. Besides, I don't believe no one is serious on waging a bet on who will be the first to get a 100,000 points.
    Headless Man

    I'll bet it won't be

    What's up Randy, don't back down, are you having second thoughts? lol!

    leeroy for president

    Congratulations, IamPamela313  100,000+ great job answering questions.


    Thanks Randy, you're next!!!
    Headless Man

    Haven't been on much, will more than likely get passed by Jenn.

    I get back on to see who won and we have a 100465

    Don't know who got there first?

    Congratulations  leeroy and 6dogs4us............WOW.


    6 dogs got there first, I wasn't around to see who got there first either. I know it's about helping people making friends and having fun. I didn't really want to win once you think of it as a competition it ruins the fun if you know what I mean.
    Headless Man

    We had fun seeing you both make it, more to come.

    6dogs4us & leeroy neck and neck the race is to close to call.

    leeroy has moved to the lead, it's still anyones win.

    all help leeroy plz

    leeroy cos hes got  95215 5000 more points and ding ding ding

                                               THE RESULTS ARE IN

    6 dogs 4 us created history on this site, she is the first female to have achieved 100,000 points.

    Leeroy came in a close 2nd in less than 24 hours.

    3rd place remains open.....To be announced.

    daren1 and Colleen now over 100,000 congratulations, great job answering questions.


    thanks randy it was lots of fun and quite a learning experience as well. some one said it right when hitting 10,000 was a big mark now you can get 20,000 in a week. glad we hung in their as we did lose some users.

    Congratulations  leeroy and 6dogs4us............100,000+ can 500,000 be to many months away?


    Not unless either one gets a job ;-)


    leeroy cos hes got  95215 5000 more points and ding ding ding


    Now we need to start a 200000 club, will this ever end?

    Congratulations  Colleen and  lamPamela313

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