    How can I bleed my Mercedes Benz power steering pump? I replaced the pump but the noise is unbearable.

    0  Views: 3065 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    Just in case Daren's suggestion does not work, see below.

    sound maybe like it's air locked try cutting the steering wheel quickly back and forth, hopefully the air will rise to the top of the resivor, and add fluid as needed ..

    Thanks, will try that.


    Things You'll Need

    * Set of line wrenches
    * Power steering fluid

    * 1

    Start the engine. Using the line wrench, break the high-pressure line loose at the steering gear. If you are not sure which line is the high side, look at the power steering pump. The highest line that is held in by a flare nut is the high-pressure line. The lowest line is held in with a hose clamp and is the return line or low-pressure line.
    * 2

    Run the engine and slowly open the high pressure fitting on the steering gear just until the fluid starts running out. Stop there and hold it open until nothing but fluid is coming out. Tighten the fitting.
    * 3

    Fill the power steering reservoir as needed. Turn the steering wheel lock to lock in both directions several times in order to bleed the remaining air out of the system. After this is done fill the reservoir once more.
    * 4

    Add some power steering conditioner to the power steering fluid in the pump reservoir. This helps lubricate the seals and prevent leaks. It will also quiet down some power steering pumps, depending on how bad the valve is.

    Read more: Bleeding a Power Steering System |

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