    Pope Francis in Easter service baptizes migrant hailed as a hero. What do you think about this?

    +4  Views: 899 Answers: 5 Posted: 6 years ago

    5 Answers

    Good for John, I hope he does well for himself.

    These kind of Catholics will do anything for "good" publicity.

    How exhilarating this must be for John especially because he's in an unfamiliar place probably feeling somewhat afraid, hopeless and alone.   He should enjoy his 15 minutes of fame. He earned it.

    I don't think about this....


    I was just thinking the same thing. It's difficult for me to even consider it newsworthy, if the Pope or Catholic Church is involved. Their silence regarding very important issues, is deafening!

    How great for John assuming he’s catholic. Some honor and story to tell his grandchildren. I’d probably shake the pope’s hand or ask him a non-religious question. Save his blessing for someone it would mean something to, like John. Oh, I’d ask the pope for his autograph! Though I am not catholic by any means....

    Is John a catholic..?????? he an economic refugee,????..he must have payed a pretty penny to the smuggler to bring him over..and i think he is a pretty smart cookie,,he is doing all the right things to make rome keep him..maybe i am being a bit harsh,,but in Aussie we have seen refugee's sink their own boats and throw their children overboard to force our Border Patrol to pick them up..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

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