    A sad update on Heather.............

    Thank you all for your well wishes and prayers for Heather and Rick, whose baby, Jonathon, was delivered this evening at only 24 weeks' gestation.   Baby Jonathon did not survive his premature birth.
    Rick and Heather are coping with their loss.  Please continue your prayers and thoughts for them...thank you. 

    +12  Views: 1882 Answers: 28 Posted: 12 years ago

    Rick and Heather were in church on Sunday, as was Rick's mom. Amid the hugs and tears we shared, I told them good thoughts and prayers were coming from around the world. They were so am I. THANK YOU, each one, for your care and concern. You are truly a wonderful family. Bob/PKB

    That's the saddest thing. I pray God will bring them some confort.

    If you don't mind me asking.....Who are Rick and Heather ?

    somethings are never forgotten, nor should they be, hopefully they will remember but be able to come to terms with this tragic loss

    28 Answers

    So very sad to hear the bad news. May God be with them in theire sorrow. Love  and prayers to you all.

    My thoughts are with them Bob, they,ll overcome their sorrow and find happier times ahead.

    What sad, sad news.  I am so sorry for them and for you.  God bless you and yours. You're in my thoughts.


    My condolences to all. Such a sad loss.  :(



    I like that picture. I've got a statuette of an angel baby like that held in God's hands.I gave it to my frined, Sherry b/c she lost a baby 13 years ago. It's still hard for her.

    so sorry to hear , you can count on my prayers..

    All children go to heaven, with no earthly sadness.....



    Aren't they blessed!

    That picture is very moving

    Randy love to picture its very moveing xx

    " (My sincere heartfelt condolences to the family)."


    Thank you, Panda.

    They  still in my PRAYERS !!!!

    OH Bob how sad!  R u doing ok?  My prayers to all of you!!!!!!!! and a Big virtual HUG to you!!!

    Just saw your post. Very sorry to hear of this tragedy. My heart goes out to them.

    Sorry its so sad my thoughts go to the parents

    Im so very very sorry,my love and condolences are with you x


    Thank you so much. Heather and Rick know you have all been sending good thoughts and prayers.

    Bob I am so so sorry for heather and Ricks loss and your loss it times like this you think your whole world is falling apart and when a Child is lost its even harder I know what Heather is going through there is nothing worse that to loose a baby please send them my love Time is a great healer but you never for get god bless them and you I know the Baby will be fine he is with god now bless you all xxx


    Thank you so much, melandrupert. I can feel your compassion in your words and will make sure they know how many people care about them and share in their loss. I'm sure we will be having discussion about why this happened, beyond the medical reasons. Again, thank you for your love and support.

    Bob/PKB thank you yes that would be quite a discussion! I have always belived that the babys were little angels and were to good to be put on this earth it has always helped me in thinking that xxx

    My deepest sympathy to all.

    ill pray for them. im very sorry

    LOVE AND PRAYERS TO THEM..THAT`S SO VERY SAD!...I shall be thinking of them too! XX

    Deeply sorry. Keep praying.

    SO sorry to hear about their loss Bob, will definitely keep them in the aka friends prayer list...

    Sorry for your lost  Bob will keep you in our prayers.

    So sorry, such a tragic loss, I will be thinking of them

    Such sad news Bob.  Sending prayers. xo

    I am sorry to hear of your loss, Bob.  Belated condolences to you and your family.

     I just saw this post..  I am so sorry... i lost my first child as well. Devin taught me how precious a child's life is, and made me appreciate every moment i have with my children. That they do not belong to me, but are on loan from God... Every life teaches the lives they touch... Lots of Love... 



    No baby.. It is all smiles.. I have been blessed.

    Never to late for my prayer, some trial at time seem almost impossible to endure,over time all wound will heal, and as time past by we don't forget the one we love ,Only God knows yours sorrow. There will be better days ahead,Allow God to do His will in your heart . Remember That God plan is above our way,your baby may of had a hard life had he made it. Now he is in God hand,I know this is very painful ,another way to look at it what if it would of been born with a serious illness that can be very traumatizing .You have my deepest sympathy and may God bless you for all your pain.

    my condolences, sorry to hear such sad news. My prayers are with you and yours.......God bless.

    Hi Bob...I just saw this post for the first time....this will continue to be an upheaval in the family for all of you with lots of tears and talks I'm sure.  Such sadness...thoughts and prayers to all of you.       :( 

    Sorry Bob. Just saw this sad news now. Time is moving on but not the memory. I lost a little grandchild that way but I know she is waiting for us. Love to you all and of course my prayers.x


    thank you. it is hard to know what to say when this tragedy happens...words are inadequate to relay the compassion and sorrow. :(

    my thoughts and prayers will continue.

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