    Is it difficult to hold a duck in the apartment? Does anyone had such experience?

    +3  Views: 2189 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: duck animals

    Happy farmer, I don't think your avatar is truly a duck.
    There is no mistaking my Avatar, it's a hat backward.

    8 Answers

    I've never heard of anyone wanting to have a farmyard in their apartment. Ducks need water to swim in and they need sunshine.

    Ducks don't like apartments, they like outdoors and near a source of water. 

    happy farmer

    I can give him my bath

    Sounds like funny question.. Ducks live out doors,      Or are you trying to make indoor farm yard..? Have your bags packed.

    I'd like to take one, but I don't want to heart it


    OK, you sound nice. and kind.

    Chandler and Joey (Friends tv show) are the only people who have ever kept a duck in an apartment.  I'll bet that apartment smelled horrible, and not just because of the guys' dirty socks and jocks.  Ducks' feces is very runny, too.  Why would you subject your home to that?

    I don't know if there is any wisdom in keeping a duck in an apartment but I can tell you one thing.If you move the duck in it won't be long before you have to move out. They get quite smelly especially in confined spaces.

    happy farmer get back to the farm you know you cant keep aduck in a apartment its cruel if you have the duck set it free and put it back where it belongs in water with its mates

    I have never had the luck

    to have a stinky duck

    who could run amouk

    better to prepare the duck ...

    and pluck, pluck, pluck     

    PS I see there's a recipe for duck in my Chinese cook bok.

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